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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 My CARBON footpint At the smallest source of my carbon emissions is transportation. On average my family drives 20,000 miles per yer. To vacation spots, friends houses, and sports. Instead of driving in my car to friends houses that are close to me in my neighborhood, i can walk or ride my bike. This was i can reduce the amount of carbon my gar gives off and get in excersize My biggest source in my home of carbon emissions is in our food. We do have meat in all most of our meals. As a family, we can reduce this amount by half and look for less enviormentally harming sources of protein in our meals. My home energy is the second largest source of carbon at 33 tons of carbon each year. I can make this number smaller by replacing my current light bulbs with energy efficent bulbs and as it begins to get cold outside, instead of turning up the heat in my home I can wear warm clothes around my home. MY FOOTPRINT My WATER footprint One of my chores in my home is to do the dishes. Dish washers use many gallons of water for one load. Instead of waiting for a load to be done to put in more dishes i can hand wash them by only putting a small amount of water in my sink. This will conserve water in my home for other uses. It takes between 441 gallons of water and 600 gallons to produce one pound of meat! A large amount of my diet and my families diet consists of meat. Buy reducing thisamount of meat intake the agriculture workers can put this saved water to other things to benefit us. According to the water footprint calculator i use more water than the average person. Just for transportation, my family uses 1,181 gallons of water everyday. I can reduce this number by carpooling with more people to and from school. If everyone on earth lived the way I do, it would take a little over 5 earths! I can shorten this number by reducing the amount of water, carbon emissions and other energies I use. I can act locally, and think globally My ECOLOGICAL footprint Most of the food i eat isn't all prepard by hand or grown locally. 20% of my ecological footprint is due to food. By going to the farmers market, or even planting a small garden in my backyard can reduce the amount of packaging and transportation use to get to my home. This also doesn't just help the enviornment, it helps me to be healthy To support my lifestyle, it would take 21.2 global acres. Most of this land would be occupied by energy land. In my home we can find other energy sources to use such as solar pannels or just using less electricity and unplug things when they aren't in use I take big trips to different parts of the world almost every year. Which can be expensive and can produce a lot of crabon and pollution. By taking trips more locallly it can reduce the amount of pollution and fuels used to take me to these far places and save money. - The average American residence uses 100,000 gallons of water per year -New York City water supply system leaks 36 million gallons a day -Europeans use half the water we use everyday Water! Carbon! -Airplanes produce 53 pounds of CO2 in one mile -Cars produce over 8,320 pounds of carbon a year Ecological! -Americans produce 251 tons of trash a year! -By first year itself an American toddler would have generated more Carbon dioxide emission than an average person in Tanzania will generate in a life time -The average person uses 700,000 gallons of water in their lifetime just for showers website used for facts: www.
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