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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] My Impact My Ecological Footprint If everybody lived the same as me, using the same amount of resources, there would need to be Earths to provide for them. 5 Food - 18% Shelter - 17% My Carbon Footprint My Water Footprint Breaking it Down! Mobility - 11% Goods - 19% Services - 35% The graph shows how I impactthe world in each thing I do. From the results I see I can cut back on services and goods. How to Improve the way I Live How to Improve the way I Live It takes about 25.2 acres and 27 tons of carbon dioxideto produce what I use in my lifestyle. Below it shows from the greatest to the least what land it takes to produce what I need: 1. Energy land 2. Forest land 3.Crop land 4. Grazing land 5. Build up land 6. Fishing Grounds double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. your artboard Looking at my ecological footprint, it shows that I use a lot services andenergy land. Some ways to reduce this are buying less clothes and household products, using less electricity by installing green power,and carpooling more often to save gas. This would affect my footprintby reducing the amount of Earths it takes for everyone to live like me. Looking at my ecological footprint, it shows that I use a lot services andenergy land. Some ways to reduce this are buying less clothes and household products, using less electricity by installing green power,and carpooling more often to save gas. This would affect my footprintby reducing the amount of Earths it takes for everyone to live like me. Another estimate showed that I emit about 19 tons of carbon dioxide every year. That is below the averageAmerican, 27 but above the worldly average, 5.5. The two charts shows a breakdown of how much I emit carbon dioxide versus the average American. Me Average American 37.9% 39.9% 4.3% 17.9% 36.8% 43.5% 4.4% 15.3% Home Energy Driving and Flying Recycling and Waste Food and Diet double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. How to improve the way I live How to improve the way I live There are some very simple ways that I can improvemy lifestyle. When the light bulbs in my house go outI can replace them with efficient lighting. I can also reduce the amount of miles I travel in a car by carpoolingplaces. Also I can try to eat more organic foods and I can make a compost pile. Another thing I could do is work on recycling everything that I can. This would affectmy carbon footprint by reducing the amount of carbon dioxidethat I emit. It is important because the way I'm living right nowcan cause global climate change, which is very negative. There are some very simple ways that I can improvemy lifestyle. When the light bulbs in my house go outI can replace them with efficient lighting. I can also reduce the amount of miles I travel in a car by carpoolingplaces. Also I can try to eat more organic foods and I can make a compost pile. Another thing I could do is work on recycling everything that I can. This would affectmy carbon footprint by reducing the amount of carbon dioxidethat I emit. It is important because the way I'm living right nowcan cause global climate change, which is very negative. 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 HomeandYard Diet Transportationand energy Stuff The graph to the left showshow much water I consumein gallons. The category "stuff"refers to clothes, house items, electronics,ect. Overall I use about 2,264 gallons everyday!The average American consumes about 2,088 gallons a day. In everycategory except diet, I use morewater than the average American. This is because I don't eat a lot of pork, beef, poultry, and coffee, How to improve the way I live How to improve the way I live As I look at my carbon footprint I can see that I use more water than the average American.This shows that I can improve the way I live. I can take quicker showers and try to reducemy laundry loads. I can reduce the amount I travel in a car by walking short distances. If I do this it would reduce the amount of waterI use to 2,153 gallons It is important to do this because even though there is a water cycle, weare using the water more than it can be replenished.It is very important to do as much as possibleto help reduce water use. Every little thing helps. As I look at my carbon footprint I can see that I use more water than the average American.This shows that I can improve the way I live. I can take quicker showers and try to reducemy laundry loads. I can reduce the amount I travel in a car by walking short distances. If I do this it would reduce the amount of waterI use to 2,153 gallons! It is important to do this because even though there is a water cycle, weare using the water more than it can be replenished.It is very important to do as much as possibleto help reduce water use. Every little thing helps. By: Gracie Koch
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