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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Music in Nicaragua By Jordan Brady The music in Nicaragua exemplifies its deep cultural roots. In Nicaragua, music comes in all shapesand sizes and narrates unique tales of great renown, sometimes even historical tales.Nicaraguans also express their culture through traditional dances.Nicaraguans in thepast have even used theatre and dance as a way of protest. Latino music such as meringue, salsa andbachatas can be heard on the streets and in local dancing places. baskets on their head to represent the working women of Nicaragua. Another traditional dance is The Mestizaje, which symbolizes the blending of Spanish and native Nicaraguan culture. Most of the traditional Nicaraguan dances are preformed during special events like patron saint festivities, school presentations, ect. One very traditional dance in Nicaragua is "La Inditas" in wich women in white dresses with red ribbons dance while holding fruit Styles of Music Music and Dance in Nicaragua The Miramba Pictures Regions and Their Music The marimba is the national instrument of Nicaragua. The marimba is a percussion instrument that can be played with up to four mallets. The marimba is generally accompanied by guitars and other percussion instruments. The marimba is by far the most popular instrument in the The music of Nicaragua is greatly affected by history. Modern Nicaraguan music is a mix of spanish and indian instruments and styles.Nicaraguans also enjoy Cuban,Mexican, Brazilian, music as well as some music from Europe and the U.S. Common genresNicaraguans enjoy include pop,reggae, meringue, reggaton and among younger crowds, heavy metal and rock have become very popular. central and western regions of the country. Pacific A mix of indigenous and Spanish culture leading to a wide rangeof diverse music and danceinvolving flutes and drums accompanied by dancers in Spanish clothingdisplaying the mixing of cultures. Masaya This region features a mix of culture. Dances feature softer movements with lighter strumming guitars with the miramba painting a picture of a man and woman dancing. North/Central The european heritage brought from Spanishand German ancestors is prominently displayed in this region. Dances known as the polcas and mazurcas Carribean African culture plays anintegral role in this region, influencing both the musicand the dance.The dance of choice is the palo de mayo, crafted in Bluefields, an energetic dance which highlights the role of the body with sensual movements.
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