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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 my site Windows Movie Maker Quick Reference Windows Movie Maker Quick Reference There are usually 1-2 video results(depending on the niche really) and its all or nothing when it comes to ranking. Its wrong to confuse Video Views, Subscriptions & Favorites asThe 'only' ranking factor for Videos. Views for social Video Ads reach 1.3 Billion. This is double ofprevious years, Quarter Results ~ReelSEO More Referrals Engagement Time 85% US Traffic Prefers clickingA Video Result to retrieve serviceor product related information~ComScore Rank 1st It is20% Easier to ranks #1 with a video result as compared to a website. Much cheaper than TV Ads.Video marketing can help you showcaseyour services & products at amazinglylow production cost. According to Borrell & Associates "Online Video spending is estimated to account for 1/3rd of all advertising in next 5 years. for a video (1.5 min) is 10x higher than a static ad. Clixlogix | Infografix | Copyright 2012 Home Tab The Home tab allows you to add videos and photos, titlesand overall themes Animations &Visual Effects Add transitionsbetween scenes Change colorcontrast and brightness of images Project & View Options to emphasizevoice, video or music Change to widescreen Zoom in, out, & previewfull screen Video & Text Tools Change background color & duration of scene Right Vs. Left? The right side of the screenwill display each scene with caption and music underneath.The left side will play from the beginning or where selected. Edit the caption by double clicking on the words underneath thescene, or on the main screen itself. Edit text font, color, duration & transition Creating videos takes time, creativity, and familiarization with the program. Take your time, enjoy the process, and create a visual media product you're proud of! Remember... Creighton UniversityDept. of OTClinical Education
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