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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Motivating Adult Learners - Build upon learners' experiences and have them apply concepts to their real life experiences- Use relevant examples and refer to familiar life experiences when designing activities / assessments- Use experiential techniques- Allow learners to share their experiences The pioneering theorist, Lindeman in 1926, identified 5 key characteristics of adult learners which are still referred to by researchers and theorists today. Knowledge of these characteristics can assist the prospective tutorin developing strategies for motivating the online learner. WHAT SHOULD I TO DO? - Analyse learners- Tailor course (objectives, content, activities, assessments) to meet learners' needs- During delivery, get a sense of what motivates them further and modify instruction accordingly- Let them know why they must learn the material CHARACTERISTIC 1. Adult learnersusually have clear learning goals.They are motivated whenlearning meets theirgoals / interests. 2. Adult learners have busy lives,family & workcommitments whichmay disrupt or impinge on their learning schedule.They may thereforemake strategicdecisions on howto progress throughcourse materials. - Embed flexibility into the course to take into account self-paced learning- Make resources available in different ways- Since learning may revolve around the set assessment, develop engaging, authentic assessments designed to assess the desired knowledge and skills 3. Learners will comewith a wealth of experiences and are interested in howthe learning impactstheir life or work. 4. Adult learners wantto be in control of theirlives and so have a desire to be self-directing. They hold the keyto their own success. - Desist from simply transmitting information- Facilitate learning and design a course that is student centred- Provide opportunities where learners control learning pathways- Where possible, ask students for input into assignments 5. Adult learners will have a wide varietyof learning styles, interests, etc. - Design resources and activities that cater to differing learning styles. Also use video, images, audio, music, interactive activities etc.- Consider how you group learners. E.g. homogenous or heterogenous groups?
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