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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Arab Spring in Morocco Protesting and Marching through streets of Morocco. February 2011 Thousands of protesters gathered in the capital of Rabat and demanded greater social justiceand limits on the power of King Mohammed. Reformers wanted:- an election that was less heavily controlled by royal court-wanted to change the issue of high illiteracy- wanted better civil liberties and rights-better healthcare Protesters, reformers andthe king were the mainpeople involved. After the Revolution, there were many problems as well as good things that came out of the Arab SpringThe Cons of the Arab Spring-Unrest within the population- major security instability- political unrest and instability, government can not run as a whole- few terrorist attacks- old authoritative to new democratic state change did not go so well for the government - King may have gotten way to much power from the Arab Spring, especially in the military and religious area.The Pros of the Arab Spring- new constitution that eliminated or removed freedoms and privileges of certain things that the King enjoyed- Islamists came into power, seen as good for a religious based group to come in power International reaction to Arab Spring in Morocco?- financial aid for Morocco- financed in infrastructure and creation of businesses- promise of protection- modernization economically, such at technology and business to boost the economy- helped build a democratic nation or government- supervised economic growth- ensured job creation What was the common trend of rulers and governmentsin Morocco?King Mohammad and his dad were the chief state authority in Morocco's political system. -able to dismiss government officials- chairs the Council of State
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