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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources pre 26% of coalresources lost ANALYTICS GOALS RECOMMENDATIONS OVERVIEW - To consolidate daily and weekly analytics into one detailed report- To provide an in-depth overview of activity on the website and mobile app - To illustrate general user behaviour and patterns in the space of a month- To give an insight into how changes to site and app are being responded to - To keep Al Arab teams updated with progress and updates to site 1. Impact 2. Engagement 3. Website Source 4. Mobile Source 5. Key Pages 1. Impact 2. Engagement 3. Website Source & ANALYSIS 5. Starting Places January 2015 Monthy Report What are the most viewed pages? Pages with most views/ most readPages with least views/ least readTop pages for new trafficMost commented Measuring growth on different platformsHow many times we postFollowers/ likes/Subscribers/ favesReplies/ commentsShares/ retweets The bounce rate for returning visitors was 49% in contrast to 38% for new ones. An avg of 2.54 - 2.98pages were viewed/ visited and an avg. session lasted 2.5 mins. An avg of 2.54 - 2.98pages were viewed/ visited and an avg. session lasted 2.5 mins.Bounce rate:New visitors - 38%Returning visitors - 49.03 %Average - 41.59%In terms of devices, desktop is most utilised, see section 4 for statistics. Desktop - 60.41%Mobile - 33.43%Tablet - 6.17%The bounce rate is higher on mobile devices (46% mobile/ 45% tablet compared to 38% desktop) and fewer pages on average are viewed. (2.63/ 2.49 compared to 3.01 for desktop) 6. Key Pages 8. Social Media This Month vs. Last Month In the past month, there were over 18, 000 sessions (70% new) with just over 13, 500 users. The website has seen almost 12, 700 new users and 52, 000 pageviews. A total of 18, 334 sessions this month, comprising of 13, 688 users. A total of 53, 397 page views and a average session length was 2 mins 27 secs.Average bounce rate was 39.50%. Of the total sessions, 68.9% were new visitors. On average, more than half our visitors used desktops to view content and more pages are viewed on desktop per session.Mobile devices see more app users from iPhone/ iPad:Apple - 3,519Android - 1,320 Over half our visitors found us via an organic search, suggesting our SEO is effective. Second, was direct, whereusers typed in our websiteURL. Behaviour e.g The mobile app doesn't retain users to the extent our website does. Discuss action to take. 47% of visitors entered the site via the home page; it received 14, 516 views, 9,485 were unique and had a bounce rate of 37.43%. This week, the top five performing pages were...It seems ... content attracted a majority of our visitors.Those with the fewest views were...... page attracted the most new traffic, which suggests... stories are key in widening our reach and acquiring new visitors. The page with the most comments on it was...The main exit page was... This month vs. last month Top 5 pages this month Most read article: #...Pageviews: 11, 001Unique pageviews: 6,728Time on page: 55 secsLeast read article: #...Pageviews: 612The page with the most comments on it was... Where do visits begin and how do they progress?Landing pageHome pageNavigation from these pagesExit pages Likes/ Faves Followers Shares 351/267356/401230/17735/2725/2217/16 265/ 23175/ 64167/ 11484/ 7935/ 437/ 5 73/ 7124/ 1715/ 1212/ 153/ 2 6. Social Media Comments 4. Mobile Source 138, 425/ 137, 784 5227/ 5136 2000/ 19.5 k 90. 86 1199/ 1005 42/ 39
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