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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Health and Substance Abuse in Aboriginal Australia Tobacco Use Tobacco Use 51% of aboriginal mothers smoked during prgnancy 49.9% of aboriginal Australians were smokers; more than double the rate of non-aboriginal Australians smoking is more common in remote areas (51%), than in nonremote areas (46%) smoking is more common in remote areas (51%), than in non-remote areas (46%) Alcohol a higher proportion of Aboriginal men consume alcohol compared to women Aboriginal Australians were twice as likely to bingedrink (17%),than non-Aboriginal Australians (8%) almost twice the amount of Aboriginal Australiansreported abstaining from alcohol in the last 12 monthscompared to non-Aboriginals Illicit Drugs marijuana is the most commonly used substance, followed by amphetamines and speed 74% of Indigenous communities in Australia have been affected by petrol sniffing 23% of Aboriginals reported using an illicit substance in the past 12 months, whereas 43% said they had used an illicit substance at least once in their life time Health Care there were more cases of male clients (10 986) than female clients (6052) in treatment centres 19% of Aboriginal clients were aged 10-19, compared to non-Aboriginals at 11% 81% of rehab clients were Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islanders Diseases one in ten Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island adults has diabetes inadequate treatment is thought to be a factor contributing to the contrast in cancer death rates when comparing Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal Australians Aboriginal adults were more than twice as likely to have a disability than non-Aboriginal adults, with the most significant difference in the age group 55+ Health Care Sources "Substance Use among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People." Australian Institute of Health and Welfare. 1 Feb. 2010. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. "Australian Bureau of Statistics." 4727.0.55.003. Australian Bureau of Statistics, 9 Oct. 2014. Web. 21 Nov. 2014. Australian Indigenous HealthInfoNet (2014) Summary of Australian Indigenous health, 2013. Retrieved [November 21, 2014]
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