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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 ISTE*C start from scratch[clears the canvas] 5c 5b 5a STRATEGIES ISTE*C STRATEGIES Model and promote strategiesfor achieving equitable accessto digital tools and resourcesand technology-related best practices for all students and teachers visit Fresno Pacific University/CPD Strategies for Digital Citizenship Model and facilitate safe, healthy, legal, and ethical uses of digital information and technologies Model and promote diversity, cultural understanding, and global awareness by using digital age communication and collaboration tools to interact locally and globally with students, peers, parents, and the larger community 5a 5b 5c Instructors will model appropriate use of digital tools and resources in their courses for teacher professional development. Asteachers apply the use of these digital tools and resources, they, in turn, can use them in their classroom lessons and projects, for students to learn in engaging, creative ways. As director, I will need to work with instructors to further use best-practice digital tools and strategies for theirprofessional development courses. Promote conversion of correspondence courses to online formats, and other digital delivery of course content. This will take one on one instructor contact and work with courses on an individual basis to encourage instructors to increase use of appropriate tech tools to integrate into the courses. The course review system and course retirement policies will need revision to require paperless course material delivery and submission of completed coursework. Use more collaborative tools for communications and connections withall stakeholders within the continuing education world at FPU. Model strategic use of social media in marketing efforts to include facebook,pinterest, twitter, and email campaigns, or other appropriate communications to increase awareness of the services and op-portunities for professional develop-ment available through the Fresno Pacific University Office of Continuing Education.
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