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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 10+ 4. Create and deploy a Service Management strategy that embraces the changing landscape of higher education and technology5. Update World Languages Lab to provide a space conducive to collaboration (in collaboration with the Offices of the Provost and Business and Financial Affairs)6. Upgrade Labs in Science Center 226, 227, 205, 171 and 188 to support academic programs in STEM double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. All Academic Buildings Cosby, Giles, Science Center, Fine Arts Cosby, Giles, Science Center, Fine Arts upgraded wireless upgraded wireless Spelman CollegeMorehouse CollegeMorehouse School of MedicineClark Atlanta UniversityAUC Woodruff LibraryInterdenominational Theological Center Spelman CollegeMorehouse CollegeMorehouse School of MedicineClark Atlanta UniversityAUC Woodruff LibraryInterdenominational Theological Center partnered with the Office of the Provost fully online course fully online course updated Spelman College | Media and Information Technology Division acquired live this fall What MIT did this past updated 5 no-tech spaces Spel.eLearn (Moodle) reorganized to enhance service delivery and support reorganized to enhance service delivery and support Cosby 224Cosby 215Cosby 440Giles 210Giles 411 -Cosby 224-Cosby 215-Cosby 440-Giles 210-Giles 411 Audio-Visual Implemented new MIT Student Worker Training Program hired and trained 35 Spelmanites to support classrooms, labs, special events and the Spelman community Media and Information Technology hosted the 1st AUC IT Summit hosted the 1st AUC IT Summit Student Advantageno cost to Spelman studentsmore info via my.Spelman portal PILOT site license forVision Software What's next? Top Projects for 2014-2015 brought laptops brought laptops LEARN..SHARE...NETWORK 95% classroom management "request an install" upgraded Educational Media is now Event Technology ServicesClassroom Tech Support Team formed to support the existing ClassTech Services GroupInstructional Technology Center is now Instructional Technology & Design ServicesMIT Help Desk is now MIT Service Desk***Visit the MIT tab on to view the new MIT Org Chart Educational Media is now Event Technology ServicesClassroom Tech Support Team formed to support the existing ClassTech Services GroupInstructional Technology Center is now Instructional Technology & Design ServicesMIT Help Desk is now MIT Service Desk***Visit the MIT tab on to view the new MIT Org Chart SUMMER? SUMMER? Human ResourcesFaculty | Staff | Students MIT | Wellness upgrade AVin select spaces Summer 2015 upgrade AVin select spaces Summer 2015 1. Create MIT Service Catalog to provide a complete list of service offerings, along with user eligibility, descriptions, and request info2. Implement Self-Service Password so you can reset your own password3. Complete Wireless Upgrades (Packard, Rockefeller, Milligan and outdoor areas) so your wireless signal follows you 7. Refresh Instructor Stations in 22 classrooms to support teaching with technology 8. Co-sponsor and/or support Faculty and Student Professional Development to support pedagogy and technology integration 9. Deploy SpelDrive/Microsoft One Drive to provide an additional storage option for documents and media10. Deploy Microsoft IT Academy to promote digital literacy through self-paced learning opportunities September 2014 selection based on AV refreshschedule and faculty feedback selection based on AV refreshschedule and faculty feedback polled incoming students polled incoming students continuousimprovement continuousimprovement
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