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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Multi-Handicapped Children Who are they? How are they being hurt? What can we do? Multi-Handicapped childrenare the most commonly mis-understood. Growing up and going to school is often not fun for kids, but these children havean especially hard time seeingas they are the group of kidsmost commonly bullied. Worse yet, now this group is being discriminated against byadults. Tests are forced uponthese children and must be taken every possible chanceuntil they pass. Some never pass.How sad is it that the peoplewho run our state are so caught up in budgets to realizethat they are hurting the childrenof our society? It is very sad,because they are hurting the most innocent of the innocentand the most spectacular ofthe amazing. They are not capable to the same levels ofintelligence as some others,but that most certainly does notmean that they should be tested ceaselessly. They make up over % of thechildren we see every day.They go to school with us, theyride the bus with us, for some,they're in our classes.These beautiful people arebeing demeaned for theirmental capabilities- something that not I nor a single child with a debilitating disease can control. We can do our part in helping these amazing members ofsociety by:-Doing research on the lives of multi-handicapped children-Befriending/talking to any of these children-Not allowing for multi-handicapped children to be bullied-Petitioning to groups such asOhio's AASCD to improve testing standards
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