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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 start from scratch[clears the canvas] 2 Epilepsy is acontagious disorder Those not expecting it could someday land up being diagnosed with epilepsy Those with epilepsymay be thought of as less intelligent than those without it Misconceptions Possible Effects What Are Common Misconceptions and Truths About Epilepsy? The Truths 1 People with epilepsy usually have the same level of intelligenceas those without it(Nelson 1). Epilepsy affects intelligence 4 Epilepsy may not be considered a threatto those with littleknowledge of it Epilepsy is a largely curableproblem with the medication of today 4 Epilepsy can only betreated, with treatmentsnot working for all who have it as well(Myths & Misconceptions 2). People who haveepilepsy are bornwith it gentically Anyone can developepilepsy at any time.Some are born with it, with others developing it later in their lives(Nelson 1). Those not familiar with epilepsy could stay away from those with iton purpose 2 3 Epilepsy is notcontagious. It is not possible for someone to catchthe disorder fromsomeone else in any way(Shafer and Sirven 1). 3 1 Works Cited"Myths & Misconceptions - Epilepsy Facts - Epilepsy Canada." Myths & Misconceptions - Epilepsy Facts - Epilepsy Canada. Epilepsy Canada, n.d. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.Nelson, Nicole. "9 Myths and Truths about Epilepsy." Best Health. Best Health Magazine, Feb. 2009. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.Shafer, Patricia, and Joseph Sirven. "Facts about Seizures and Epilepsy." Epilepsy Foundation. N.p., July 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2014.
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