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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Genetics and Drug Addiction Do genetics play a role in drug addiction? Genetics do play arole in drug addiction. Yes! 50% due to predisposition 50% due to poorcoping skills Alcohol The potential for addiction is hardwired in our brains. Although all of us have the trait for addiction,others are more predisposed to it,making them at a higher risk tobecome an addict. 861 identical twins and 653 fraternal twins were use as test subjects as an experiment. When one identical twin was an alcohol addict, the other twin had a higher probability of becoming an addict. When one fraternal twin was an alcoholic, the other twin had a less chance to become an addict. 231 addicts and 61 non addicts were usedin an experiment to show that when a child has a parent or sibling that was an addict, they have a higher chanceof becoming an addict themselves. The results showedthat children who have a parent who was an addict are8 times more likely to become addicts themselves. the liability or tendency to sufferfrom a particular condition, holda particular attitude, or act in aparticular way. PREDISPOSITION Your poor choices to give in to thelife of addiction will not affect justyour life it will affect the lives ofyour families as well. This isnot a positive trait to be passeddown to your children and yourchildren's children. For a person who has alow disposition for addiction, the continued abuse of a drug due to their poor coping skills can permanently rewire your brain. For every time you use that drug, the wiring connectionbetween your brains need foraddiction and the drug of choice strengthens. Prevent Drug Abuse Research andExperiments Research andExperiments Identical Twins Fraternal Twins 1. Alcohol affects the process of neurotransmission.2. Inhibitory GABA neurotransmitters control neuron activity. The more they bind to receptors, the less likely they are to fire. 3. Excitatory glutamate neurotransmitters excites the neuron speeding up the firing rate.4. When alcohol enters your body, it interacts with GABA receptors causing the GABA neurotransmitters to become more inhibitory. 5. Alcohol binds to glutamate receptors blocking them from exiting the neuron. 1. Neurons receive an electrical impulse through their dendrites that then travel to the cell body, then through the axon (action potential). 2. The action potential causes the axon terminals to release neurotransmitters, which are carried in synaptic vesicles. 3. When there are enough neurotransmitters in the synaptic vesicle, they are released into the synapse, where they bind to receptors on dendrites of another neuron. 4. The message is then converted into your movement. Neurotransmissio n Toby LoreBand D 12-5-14
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