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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Methamphetamine Human brain and body Parts of the brain affected History Side Effects Nationwide treatmentadmissions for meth abuse dropped from 8.1percent in 2005 to 5.6percent in 2011. Meth triggers therelease of dopamine,which stimulates braincells that enhanceenergy and mood,leading to about 8hours of heightenedenergy and euphoria. Meth impairs the frontal lobe, which governs judgement,impulse control, and the abilityto determine consequences.Meth overstimulates the amygdala -the emotionalcontrol center of the brain-and compromises braincircuits needed to controlimpulsive behaviors. Disorders Methamphetamine can lead to depression, ADHD,Parkinson's disease andother health issues(HIV, oral issues, etc.). A powerfully addictive drug that stimulates the central nervoussystem, with sped up body functions and associated energy and mood changes; over time, appears toreduce baseline dopamine levels. Side effects may include:irritability, insomnia,hypertension, seizures,social isolation,depression, and occasional violent outburts. US Usage Treatment Admissions In 2012, 1.2 millionpeople reported thatthey had used meth within the past year,400K reported usagein the past month. Amphetamine was first made in 1887 in Germanyand methamphetamine,more potent and easy tomake, was developed inJapan in 1919. Thecrystaline powder wassoluble in water, makingit a perfect candidate forinjection. Meth went intowide use during WWII,when both sides used itto keep troops awake. High doses were given to Japanese Kamikaze pilotsbefore their suicide missions.In the 1950s, meth wasprescribed as a diet aid and to fight depression. With great accessibility, it wasused as a nonmedicalstimulant by college students,truck drivers and athletes andabuse of the drug spread. In 1970, the US governmentpronounced the drug as illegaland by 1990, Mexican drugtraffickers had set up labsall across California to produce the drug.
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