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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Mentorship RECOMMENDATION RESEARCH academic AND CREATED BY Yes, mentoring is related to five positive outcomes (r shown in parentheses):1. behavioral outcomes - helping others (.18)2. attitudinal outcomes - career attitudes (.2)3. health-related outcomes - self-esteem (.06)4. relational outcomes (.14)5. motivational outcomes (.15) career recognition (.09) skills/competences (.13) Mentorship is a growing practice for talent management, but do managers and companies understand its value?This presentation leverages quantitative research and provides a recommendation for mentorship best practicesand the role of employees and HR in this area. Q: DOES CAREER MENTORSHIP PROVIDE MEASUREABLE BENEFITS? A: YES! CAREER MENTORING IS CORRELATED TO POSITIVE CAREER OUTCOMES. RESEARCH STUDIES RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Individuals who have been mentored report greater career outcomes than those who have not been mentored including promotions (.31), compensation (.12) and career satisfaction (.21). 2. Career outcomes were positively correlated with career and psychosocial mentoring across dimensions including compensation, promotions, career and job satisfaction.3. Results suggest that psychosocial functions help deepen the mentoring relationship and career mentoring helps provide information and work-relevant support. Total Fiber per Serving (grams) Shinae HildebrandtUniversity of St. Thomas Evening MBAHuman Resource ManagementDec. 10, 2014 REFERENCES MENTORSHIP VARIES WITH ORGANIZATIONS AND PEOPLE BUT IT IS SHOWN TO HAVE POSITIVE OUTCOMES.SUPPORT BOTH INFORMAL AND FORMAL MENTORSHIP AND ADJUST TO MEET THE ORGANIZATION'S GOALS. COMMUNICATION PLAN See attached reference sheet. Does Mentoring Matter? Career Benefits Assc. with Mentoring RISK MANAGEMENT RISKS 1. Mentors may be difficult to find -ability, intrinsic desire, availability2. Proteges do not find a mentor match -leads to discouragement, resentment -may impact intent to stay3. Proteges expect immediate outcomes -may not align with talent planning -mentors don't control comp & benefits4. Formal mentoring may have a project-based, short term focus. 1. Encourage mentor participation among high performers and internal groups first2. Allow proteges and mentors to have input in match,perhaps through an open match system(e.g. mentor profiles to view)3. Provide materials with expectations to proteges;Provide training and FAQs to set up mentors for success4. Offer both formal and informal mentoring options DEFINTIONS CONSIDER CHARACTERISTICS MENTOR PROTEGE -Experienced-Knowledgeble-Highly placed-Desire to help-8-15 years older-Same gender (homophily) -Good performance-Socially similar-Opportunities to demonstrate extraordinarily-High visibility/potential (power) Mentorship: A Career Training & Development Tool MENTORSHIP STAGES Protege Initiation Break-up Lasting Friendship 6 mo - 1 yr -relationship develops 2 - 5 yrs -relationship expands-protege develops skills -mentor influences experience 6 mo - 2 yrs -significant protege change occurs;-relationship dissolves/changes intentionallyor otherwise -relationship develops into counseling or reciprical mentorship Mentorship! Mentorship: A Career Training & Development Tool Hybrid/Dual Mentorship Model Mentorship Protege Mentor -Brand the program and announce it with leadership commitment-Personalize communication to emphasize benefits for the company, the mentor and the protege-Recruit mentors who fit key criteria through internal communication, internal social or leadership groups, and recommendations-Provide education and access to resources or training that requires minimal commitment and fits into schedules-In large organizations, start with recruited "classes" to source protoges-Solicit quantitative and qualitative feedback from mentors and proteges in-person and online-Review sentiment and adjust elements of the program -Evaluate if mentorship can fulfill part of the organization's human resource strategy and goals for talent development-Create objectives for a mentorship program that aligns with the business and human resource strategy-Determine the best mentorship structure for the company and employees. *Formal - has more organizational support and resources useful when defined in shorter time frame promotes knowledge transfer *Informal - may be long-term without project goals, nurtures a commitment to the organization and the individuals for personal and professional development-Kick-off and renew mentorship program with social event and marketing on/around annual reviews when development is top of mind-Offer mentor/protege matching with relevant goals and interest information through an online portal, but promote informal, organic pair matching through quarterly social events to meet others. -Provide online and classroom training, but limit it to short, critical information sharing. -Provide accessible best practices and guides, but do not make them mandatory-Allow mentors and proteges to provide feedback to each other or a facilitator-Encourage mentorship pairs to meet regularly and allow time during the work day -Connect program participants so they can obtain peer support-Measure results annually and at the start and end of a mentorship -Show current landscape of mentorship at other organizations, demand at current company, and long-term need for future knowledge transfer-Emphasize benefits for the company, the mentor and the protege-Outline financial investment and compare to other talent management tactics (trainings, other education) Sell to Management Engage Employees Formal and Informal Mentorships Interaction which aims to benefit both individuals and the organization and is supported by the employer Individuals with advanced experience and knowledge who are committedto providing upward mobilityand career support to their proteges Individuals who receive guidance, advice and opportunities for personal and professional growth Views of HR specialists on formal mentoring Benefits Views of HR specialists on formal mentoring Informal mentorships (r shown in parentheses):1. Proteges had greater career support (3.86) 2. Proteges reported slightly higher levels of organizational socialization, satisfaction and salaries than formal proteges3. Informal is more closely associated with goals, politics and history and moderately associated with satisfaction, salary and socialization. Mentoring Behaviors and Mentorship Qualities Assc. with Formal Mentoring Programs Mentors and Proteges benefit:1. Mentors learn, feel fulfill, may improve work2. Proteges build self-esteem,may experience positive objective outcomes3. Organization develops human resourcesand transfer of knowledgeamong employees Mentoring Behaviors and Mentorship Qualities Assc. with Formal Mentoring Programs Keys to Mentoring Received & Qualityby Protege (Table 1):1. Participant input in match (.24)2. Same department (.12)3. Training quality (.27)4. Interaction frequency (.11)Factors Not Correlated to Quality:1. Voluntary protege participation (-.02)2. Rank of mentor (-.03)3. Proximity (.04)
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