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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Melbourne Now, learn now: From professional learning to teaching practice research project SOCIAL IMPACT: Fostering networks with NGV educators, and other colleagues. NEGATIVE LOSS:Hope for more collegial supportpost professional developmentwith new networks,didnt track own impact of Melbourne Now and would like to in future, own school interest/involvement/perceived support in regards to attending and integrating the professional development, and no foresting of community of practiceestablished post 3 days amongst schools involved. INNOVATION IMPACT:New pedagogical ideas, innovative curriculum development back at school, inspiring peers, andnew knowledge on specific Melbourne artists usually not accessible. CULTURAL IMPACT: Changes awareness ofhow valuable engaging with NGV and culturalorganisations is for learning and teaching, professional development,and contemporary art. ECONOMIC IMPACT: All educational institutions paid, some required justification reports and made it difficult for teacher to participate. Perceived lack of support from schools. ETHICAL IMPACT:Changing school attitudes,learning how to work with foodin educational settings for art. PERSONAL IMPACT: Delighted to engagewith Melbourne artists, participated in multiple return visits, and confidence to engage with contemporary art. Analysis of impact 6 months beyond professional learning using the Effect and Impact Tracking Matrix (EITM) framework (Bamford and Glinkowski, 2010) Prepared by: Dr. Narelle Lemon, Faculty of Education, La Trobe University, December 2014. Correspondence: EDUCATIONAL IMPACT: Confidence to engage in with contemporary art, NGV and artists blogs. CATALYTIC IMPACT: Changes how connect with NGV educators, extended curriculum across year levels and long term at school, Melbourne artists could be promoted with students, andfree access to all spaces meant that low socio-economic studentscould access NGV.
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