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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Everyone (both alive and those who died) is included in the Median Age of Survival calculation. This is the predicted age at which, it is estimated that someone born today with CF will have a 50% chance of living beyond. It is a future estimate based on the population within a five-year window (to include as many people as possible). FAQs To calculate Median Age of Death: To calculate Median Age of Survival: People who have died in the year contribute to the Median Age of Death calculation, which is a snapshot for the year and not a future estimate. The example population for the year includes people who are alive (blue) and people who have died (grey) Nov 2014 Median Age of Death and Median Age of Survival: An Overview Q: What is the difference between median and mean?A: Median is the middle number in a set of sequential numbers. Mean is the arithmetic average calculated from a set of numbers.Q: If in 2012, the Median Age of Survival was 49 years, how could the Median Age of Death be 32 years?A: The subset of people who contribute to these calculations are different so they represent different data. In particular, the Median Age of Death calculation includes only those who died.Q: Is Median Age of Survival the same as Life Expectancy?A: No. While both are estimates of future age, Life Expectancy is the ESTIMATED mean age of survival (i.e. the age, on average, someone is expected to live). The Median Age of Survival is the ESTIMATED median age of survival (i.e. the age where someone has a 50% chance of living beyond).Q: Why is Life Expectancy not calculated for the CF population?A: There are too many factors (e.g. disease severity, age at diagnosis, treatments, etc.) that influence survival that make it difficult to calculate an average age of survival that is representative of everyone. The Median Age of Survival is the appropriate measure.
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