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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 NOVEMBER 2014 KEVHORGANMEDIA.COM KEVINHORGANMEDIA.COM KevHorganMedia is committedto providing fair, accurate, andtruthful content that affectsurvivors of violent crime andbehavior. The stories on thiswebsite focus on the perspectiveof survivors and the organizationsthat assist them. Site contentcurrently includes such topics asdomestic violence and abuse,bullying, and human trafficking.However, as the site continues togrow, more topics and features will be introduced. Kev Horgan Kev Horgan DECEMBER 2014 Kev Horgan is a crime & survivor news journalist in New Jersey. He obtaineda B.S. in Psychology from Sacred Heart University in 1998 and earned a lifetimemembership in Psi Chi, The International Honor Society in Psychology. Following his passion for criminal psychology, he earned classroom credits in CUNY John Jay College’s Forensic Psychology MA Program. On August 8, 2014, he earned a Master’s degree in New Media Journalism from Full Sail University.Along with his academicbackground in psychology and forensic psychology, Kev’s experience as asurvivor of decade-longschool bullying in the1980’s gives him aunique perspective andapproach in telling thestories of crimesurvivors. His commitment totreating survivors withrespect and empathyhas earned the trust ofseveral individualscoming forward topublicly share theirstories for the first timeexclusively,an honor for which hetruly feels grateful. Kev HorganOffers The Following Professional Services * Ghostwriting* Videography * Photography * Investigative Research* Copy and Content Editing * Multimedia Editing * Multimedia Production* Social Media Marketing Consultation * Freelance Multimedia Journalism for Print or Online Publication* As a qualified survivor news journalist and a survivor of bullying, Kev is also available for speaking engagements to discuss various survivor rights and issues. Contact Kev To Discuss Ratesfor Professional Services: Gmail: Google Voice: (202) 455-8888Mobile: (908) 616-9539On the Web: Follow KHM on Social Media: Twitter @kevhorganmediaFacebook KevHorganMedia LinkedIn Kev kevhorganmedia Twitter: 293 followers Facebook: 248 friends / 44 Likes Pinterest: 32 followers LinkedIn: 122 connections Social Media Followers: November 2014 The KHM Community is Growing: 12Month Stats The KHM Community is Growing: 12-Month Stats Unique Visitors: 1,316 Unique Visitors: 1,316 Pageviews: 4,720 Pageviews: 4,720 KHM has been viewedin 67 countries and throughout the U.S. KHM has been viewedin 67 countries and throughout the U.S. 217followers 217followers 293followers 293followers November 2014 November 2014 December 2014 December 2014 KHM experienced a 74% increase in Twitter followers during the last month KHM experienced a 74% increase in Twitter followers during the last month! * KHM Community Statistics as of December 16, 2014 * Source: Google Analytics KEVHORGANMEDIA Klout score: 51 Klout score: 51 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 October November December
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