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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 #1. Mayeli Unzueta #2. How A Bill Becomes A Law #3 . Must be introuduced to Congress. It can be vetoed or nullified at any given time.It must be sponsored and can be cosponsored, but it has to be approved in both the House and Senate. The bill is then determined of its succes by being assigned to a subcommitteewhere it is amended. House bills must pass through a rule committee before proceeding to the House.The limits are establishedand the Speaker of the House appoint all majority partymembers to the committee. #4 . Bills then proceed to the floor ofthe House and Senate whether they havebeen reported out of the committee or passed. #4 . The day the bill is scheduled for debate, the RulesCommittee votes the rules. Once they have beenapproved, the debate can begin. #5 . Once all of the amendments havebeen made, the House votes on the bill.Then the Senate does the sameamendment with less formalprocedures since therearen't as many people. #6 . The bill then goes through the amending phase which is a more lively debate to decide whether the billis passed or killed byboth the House and Senate. #7 . If the House and Senate differ,then they go through a conference committeeto be resolved. #8 . It is then reported to Congress to be voted for again, butno amendments can be made. #9 . Once it is approved by both housesof Congress, it is sent to the Presidentfor approval. The President has four options. Onlyif it is vetoed the bill must be approvedby Congress again but they aren't required to vote on a vetoedbill.
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