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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Emergent Technologies in a Collaborative Culture:I will use different media outletsto communicate and strengthenrapport with my students andkeep my students engaged inthe classroom. Digital Media and Learning Applications:I will learn how to use differentmedia software and apply that knowledge to my own classroom Corporate Training and Motivational Development:I will learn how to best presentinformation and processesfor new media in the classroom and also for fellow educators. Instructional Design and Evaluation:I will learn to evaluate whatmedia source would be most engaging for student projectsin each classroom unit I createand each training I perform. Music and Audio for InstructionalDesign:I will learn how music can impactthe learning environment andtest the different music and learning theories in my classroom. Strategies for Learner Engagement:I will use knowledge gained fromthis course to create learner-centeredand engaging lessons for thetheatre classroom Loran's Mastery Timeline Filmmaking Principles forInstructional Design:Create lessons for my classroomutilizing good filmmakingtechniques throughout the course of different classroomunits of study. I will know how to create elearning units for my own classroom, and I will be able to help fellow educators createelearning units for their own classrooms. Game Strategies and Motivation:I will know which gaming models and methods will work best for mytheatre classroom, and I will also be able to create games for my classroom. Learning Management Systems and Organization:I will know and utilize the best methodsfor content delivery in academicand training environments. Media Asset Creation:I will know which media asset to usefor different projects, and I willalso know the limitations of differentmedia assets based on a learner'stechnical ability. Instructional Design and TechnologyFinal Project:I will create a media-rich unit for the theatre classroom utilizingall the tools and information I havegained through the course of mymastery journey.
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