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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Martin Luther Early Life and Problems with Church teachings Martin Luthers early life.Born in Eisleben in 1483, Luther was the son of hard-working, middle-class Saxon parents. He was a bright and dedicated student, and was especially concerned with his faith. Lutherstruggled with what he perceived to be his own innate sinfulness, afraid he was perhaps unworthy of God's acceptance. In 1505, just after receiving his law degree, Luther wastraveling between Erfurt and Eisleben when he encountered a violent thunderstorm. Scared by the lightning, Luther threw himself to the ground and made a vow to St. Anne, the motherof Mary, that he would become a monk if she allowed him to survive the storm. Luther survived, and two weeks later he joined an Augustinian monastery in Erfurt. Luther put forth in his 95 Theses. Martin Luther was called into doubt the validity of indulgences. Luther had nailed them to the main door of the Wittenberg church. He believed that Christians did not need the Church to attain salvation, because faith alone mattered. Luther questioned Church practices and teachings.Luther was a devout and introspective monk who could not accept the woeful,corrupt state of the Church, Luther had many questions about Catholic rituals anddoctrine. While teaching and studying at the University of Wittenberg, he was troubled by the Church teaching that salvation was attainable through good acts. While studying St. Paul's Letter to the Romans, Luther came across the passage,"By faith are you saved." He interpreted that to mean by faith alone is one saved,and this insight changed his whole understanding of the relationship between God and humans. Luther no longer saw God as a judge with whom one could barter for eternal life. Instead, he believed that the key to salvation was in the acceptance that humans are inherently sinful and therefore incapable of the good worksnecessary to attain salvation. He argued that no matter how many good works people perform, they aren't guaranteed salvation, which can only be gainedthrough sincere faith and God's grace, or compassion for the repentant sinner. How the church responded to Luther.Rome ordered Luther to report to the Church officials in Rome to explain his views. In 1520, Pope Leo X issued a formal document of excommunication that gave Luther 60 days to recant. Luther burned the Papal order in the square at Wittenberg, and was in turn excommunicated. Luther had officially broken with the Church.
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