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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Mark Owen grew up in a small village in Alaska. He was never allowed to play with toy guns or action figures because hisparents thought that they were too violent, even though hunting was a part of his families lifestyle. He grew up with his mom, dad, and two sisters. His dad was the only person in the whole villiage who had a college degree.From the time he read the book Men in Green Faces,Mark wanted to be a Navy Seal. After four years of college in California, Mark enlistedin the United States Navy to become a Navy Seal,an elite unit of soldiers that deals with assaulting compounds, conducting raids, and rescuing hostages, like the rescue of Captain Richard Phillips. After vigorous training and tests,he was assigned to Seal Team five. He then began rotating deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. After multiple three month deployments Mark was informed that he would be entering into the testing for Seals team 6, the most elite Seal team, full of soldiers with the most experience in the world. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked for the first time since the attacks on Pearl Harbor. 4 planes were hijacked, 2 flying into the World Trade center, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 being retaken by the passengersand landing in a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people. The attacks were found to be the work of the terrorist group Al Qaeda. This group was operating in Afghanistan, forcefully spreading the extremist Islamic religion.The leader of Al Qaeda was a tall man with a long black beard named Osama Bin Laden. On October 7, 2001 the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom, an in invasion of Al Qaeda and Taliban controlled Afghanistan. On September 11, 2001, the United States was attacked for the first time since the attacks on Pearl Harbor. 4 planes were hijacked, 2 flying into the World Trade center, 1 into the Pentagon, and 1 being retaken by the passengersand landing in a field in Pennsylvania. The attacks resulted in the deaths of nearly 3,000 innocent people. The attacks were found to be the work of the terrorist group Al Qaeda. This group was operating in Afghanistan, forcefully spreading the extremist Islamic religion.The leader of Al Qaeda was a tall man with a long black beard named Osama Bin Laden. On October 7, 2001 the United States launched Operation Enduring Freedom, an in invasion of Al Qaeda and Taliban controlled Afghanistan. Then in the early spring of 2011, a C.I.A analyst claimed that she was "100% sure" she had found Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan. It was found that he was staying in a compound owned by his right-hand-man, Ahmed al-Kuwaiti. The compound was worth 1 million dollars and was built in 2005. A team of experienced Seals, including Mark, were flown to a special training base in the North Carolina to train for the mission. The base included a full sized mock up of the compound. They trained daily and made a plan to assault the compound.The idea was given to President Obama to review. Then after two weeks, President Obama gave the mission the green light. They would launch the next night. Mark Owen was on one of the two black hawk helicopters flown on the mission. They were flying from an American base in Afghanistan to the compound. When Mark's helicopter was hovering over the compound they experienced extreme turbulence.The pilots were able to safely land the chopper without anyone getting hurt. From there they carried on with the mission. Mark was a team leader and his job was to clear the guesthouse. This is where Ahmed al-Kuwaiti was supposed to live. Ahmed started to shoot rounds through the metal door Mark was about to breach. Mark and his buddy immediately returned fire through a window and killed Ahmed. From there Mark's team stacked on one of the two doors to the main compound. The team on the other door went in first and shot Ahmad's brother, Abrar. The other team then let in Mark's team. Then, the whole entire group of Seals stacked in the stairwell to the second level of the compound. The team then used explosives to breach the door to the second level. The majority of the Seals then focused on clearing the second level,while Mark and a small group moved up the stairs to the third level. Suddenly they saw a head pop out from the landing on the third floor. The point man whispered "Khalid" because he thought that it was the head of Bin Laden's son Khalid. Sure enough the man poked his head out from around the corner and was shot in the head by the point man. Mark and his small group then moved up to the landing of the third floor. The point man then saw another head poke out from behind a door. The point man snapped off a shot and saw the man fall into the room. The small team then rushed into the room. The point man saw two women looking over the body of the man and pushed them into a corner of the room, in case they were wearing suicide-vests. Then, Mark and another Seal entered the room and saw that the man was still moving and they then engaged him until he was dead. They began taking dna tests and asking women and children who the man was. Both a woman and a child both said that it was Osama Bin Laden. The man followed the profile that the C.I.A had made. Then the highest ranking Seal that was on the mission said over the radio: "For God and Country, I pass Geronimo, Geronimo E.K.I.A." Geronimo was the code word for Osama. After the compound was secured, the Seals began searching the compound for intelligence. After about 30 minutes on the ground the helicopters returned to pick up the Seals and Osama Bin Laden's body. They had to bring a new chopper, a Ch-47, because one of the two black hawks had crashed. Midway through the flight back to the base in Afghanistan, the black hawk had to take some fuel from the Ch-47 in order to make it back. Once they got back, they were all greeted as heroes. I personally think that this was one of the most important events in U.S. history, but what is truly important is that the lives lost on September 11, 2001 were avenged.
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