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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Law Enforcement CANNABIS AND THE ECONOMY DID YOU KNOW...? How repealing cannabis legislation affects the US economy Commercially All in favor say "Aye!" Taxes and Revenue Healthcare Reform, taxing, and regulation can generatebetween 10 - 14 billion USD yearly? Research has indicated thatcannabis should be the first lineof defense in the treatment fornumerous serious illnesses? States like Alaska, Florida,Oregon and Washington,D.C. could make a combined$3 billion in marijuana taxrevenue just from funds usedfor law enforcement againstmarijuana? Hemp (the non-psycho active part ofthe cannabis plant) is used in over25,000 commercial products? Recent CNN Polls findings in support(January 2014) and past year results 1987 16% 2014 2012 2002 1996 55% 43% 34% 26% Jobs Fast growing marijuana businessconsulting firm, weGrow, reportsthat for every dispensary opened,75 jobs are indirectly created? Reform, taxing, and regulation can generatebetween 10 - 14 billion USD yearly? Divya Raghavan (Sept 2014) CNN Poll: Support for legal marijuana soaring (January 2014) Barth Wilsey, M.D-A Double Blind, Active PlaceboControlled Crossover Trial of theAntinociceptive Effects ofSmoked Marijuana on Subjectswith Neuropathic Pain;Correlation with Changes inMood, Cognition, andPsychomotor Performance (2007) Miron, Jeffery A.The Budgetary Implications ofMarijuana Prohibition(June 2005) Dan SchneiderPot Economics: Whats the future of the American marijuana market?
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