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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 RELIGOUS REFORM MAO ZEDONG Naman Gupta, Ajay Das, & Dhanush Gummalla CULTURAL REVOLUTION FAMILY DYNAMICS FIRST FIVE YEAR PLAN GREAT LEAP FORWARD Upwards of 5,000,000 landlords perished.1 Man (Diagram) = 1,000,000 Landlords. Reform stipulated that both genders wereto be equal in a union, and both neededto consent to marriage. First time this had ever happened in China. Initiation of "struggle meetings", where peasants spokeout against crimes of landlords against the peasantry. Landlords were either brutalized or suicidal. Other rights also came into existence. It became illegalfor women to be sold into prostitution, and the disposalof unwanted female babies also became outlawed. Reform figuratively killed two birds in one stone for Mao: It fulfilled his earlier promises to the peasantsto give them land, and also eliminated a class of people who might oppose Mao's taking of power. Government Investment to Agriculture Mao attempted to harness what he believed was China's greatest resource: its manpower.Unrealistic production goals & quotas were set by Mao, which ended up with officials inflatingactual production numbers to impress Mao.Essentially killed incentive for many workers, because of system of guaranteed wages. Wageswere no longer proportional to quality of work.Led to great famine, because it ended private farming,which discouraged peasants from producing more thanneeded.Sparrowcide further hindered crop production. MARRIAGE REFORM AGRARIAN LAND REFORM Mao aimed to achieve total Chinese land redistribution,which included his aim to eliminate the feudal exploitation of peasants by the landlord class. People who still practiced religious traditions/ceremonieswere persecuted. Mao's religious reform policies were very significant, inmore ways than one. He launched a series of stateattacks against religion, declaring that religious worshiphad to be replaced by loyalty to the Communist Party & Mao. Mao eventually recognized that he would have toshow some kind of tolerance, so he set up state-controlled patriotic churches. These churches had to openly support Communists and had to acceptcontrol by state. Initially, religion was used as motivation to work hard with Mao's policies, with a promise of a great afterlife. Nevertheless,Christian churches were attacked and closed, Confucianism and Buddhism were denounced, and Maoism was spread. 07.6 % People suffered as result of Cultural Revolution & itseffects. The Cultural Revolution was launched by Mao Zedong,with one of the possible reasons behind it being that he wanted to reassert his power with the failure of theGLF, and another being that it would effectively eliminateany remaining opposition to Mao's dominance.Directed towards eliminating the 'Four Olds'- Old Ideas- Old Customs- Old Culture- Old HabitsUsed Red Guards & youth to carry out attacks, and to supress any form of resistance or disobedience. Government Investment to Industrial Development Drawbacks of Marriage Reform were that China was still highly a patriarchal society. Even though there were new laws, the attitudes and traditions of maleswere hard to break or alter. Women still did not effectivelybecome equals. State also took control of private business & commercial enterprise. Phase I: "Mutual Aid Teams' were introduced, where peasants couldwork together on small pieces of land. All tools, labor, and materials would be shared by the peasants.Phase II: Mutual Aid Teams were merged into land cooperatives, callingupon the peasants to be the leaders for China towards socialism.Phase III: Private land ownership essentially eliminated, in favor of landbecoming state-owned instead. Little resistance. With the First Five-Year-Plan, Mao aimed to rapidly industrializeChina, in order to complete his socialist transformation. Five Year Plan consisted of three phases: Mao's marriage reform policies were groundbreakingfor the time. They were popular among women & much of the youth, which helped his movement. DOMESTIC SUCCESS? 58.2 % 100,000,00 0 Expanding off of the five year plan, the goal of theGreat Leap Forward was to have the industry ofChina catch up to or even overtake those of manyWestern nations. 19581959196019611962 Women gained the right to own and sell propertyeveryone ate in mess halls in communes: this meant that women no longer had the daily drudgery of finding food and preparing it for the family (114).Women were now also called on to do the work ofmen. Even though they gained equality, women werestill discriminated against and the notion of femaleinferiority was prevalent.Birth of a boy brings honor and income, while girl brings upon a drain on family resources.Collectivization entailed a direct and deliberateassault on the traditional Chinese family (116).Personal love was not important, but the love ofMao and the Communist Party was not even comparable to love of parents.Families would starve their daughters till death andturn their corpses into soup. Would even sell wivesin order to have one less mouth to feed.Families abandon babies in ditches in hopes a passerby picks them up. However, abandoned kidscould be abused or prostituted.Women prostitute themselves for food Industrial Output (Billions Yuan) People Dead as result of GLP & Famine. > 50,000,000 121 Billion Yuan 94 Billion Yuan 163 Billion Yuan 183 Billion Yuan 113 Billion Yuan
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