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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Claim - As you read Shakespeare's Malleability and Resolve Julius Caesar you can see that some characters are easily persuaded while others are not. In this inforgraphic, I will show how the views of Brutus, Caesar, and the public of Rome changed, or did not change, throughout the play. Key: - Brutus - Caesar - Public Act I Scene I Quote Explanation "Knew you not Pompey? Many a time and oft have you climbed up to the walls and see great Pompey pass thestreets of Rome.(...)And do you now strew out flowersin his way that comes in triumph over Pompey's blood?" - Marullus During Marullus' speech here, he shames those that are rejoicing over Caesar's return after defeating Pompey in battle. He says that before they had cheered for Pompey and now they are cheering for his defeat. It seems as though the commoners will cheer for whoever is in charge. Act 1 Scene 2 "What you have said I will consider; what you have to say I will with patience to hear, and find a time bothmeet to answer such high things." - Brutus Brutus is not completely swayed by Cassius, but he does promise to carefully consider his points. "What sayst thou to me now?Speak once again." - Caesar"Beware the ides of March."- Soothsayer"He is a dreamer. Let us lleave him. Pass." - Caesar Caesar is warned by a soothsayer to "Beware the ides of March."However, he dismisses the warning as if it meansnothing. Act 2 Scene 1 After thinking it over, Brutus convinces himself that killing Caesar is best for Rome. He admits that he has nothingagainst Caesar, but if he is crowned there is no telling ow that power willchange his nature. If his nature changes things could go bad for all of Rome. "It must be by his death. Andfor my part I know no personal cause to spurn at him, but for the general. He would be crowned; How might that change his nature,there's the question." -Brutus Act 2 Scene 2 "Recounts most horrid sightsseen by the watch. A lionesshath whelped in the streets, and graves have yawned andyielded up their dead..." - Calphurnia"Whose end is purposed bythe gods? Yet Caesar shall go fourth, for these predictionsare to the world in general asto Caesar." - Caesar Here, Caesar's wife, Calphurnia, tells him of horrible events that are taking place in Rome. She believes that they foretell something terrible. Just like when the Soothsayer told him to "Beware the ideas of March," Caesar ignores the warning by his wife saying it is meant for the world in general and not himself. Act 3 Scene 1 "[As Casca strikes, the others rise up and stab Caesar] Et tu, Brute?" - Caesar Brutus does, in fact, help in killing Caesar. The idea that Caesar's death would benefit Rome and the sake of his honor as a Roman was enough to convince him to go through with it. "Then fall, Caesar." - Caesar Throughout the play, Caesar was warned that something bad wouldhappen on the ides of March. First by the soothsayer and then laterby his wife. Had he taken these warnings to heart and not been so arrogant he might have lived. Act 3 Scene 2 "If then that friend demand whyBrutus rose against Caesar, this is my answer; not that I loved Caesar less, but I love Rome more. Had you rather Caesar were living, and die all slaves, than Caesar were dead, to live allfree men?" - Brutus Brutus is now speaking to the plebeians to both defend his actions and get themto understand why Caesar had to be killed. "Bring him with triumph home unto his house." - First Plebeian"Give him a statue with his ancestors." - Second Plebeian "Let him be Caesar." - ThirdPlebeian After hearing Brutus' speech the plebeians are soon persuaded to side with the conspirators'actions. All it took to persuade them was Brutus' clever wording.
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