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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Malala Yousafzai "ONE CHILD, ONE BOOK, ONE PEN, CAN CHANGE THE WORLD" In Pakistan there are 95% out of 28.5 million children not getting primary school education. Out of that total amount, girls make up 55% because the government in control of the Pakistan country side which is the Taliban does not want girls to go to school. She is influenced by Gandhi in a way that she uses non-violence protest for more girls and boys education.In the speech at the UN and for her 16th birthday she invokes Gandhi and other activists with non-violence protests. "I'm not against anyone, neither am I here to speak in terms of personal revenge against the Taliban, or any other terrorist group." She was influenced by Gandhi because in the speech at the UN and at her birthday she included Gandhi and other activists who protested with non-violence. I want education for the sons and daughters of all the Taliban and all the terrorists and extremists.I do not even hate the Taliban who shot me.Even if there is a gun in my hands and he stands in front of me, I would not shoot him.""This is the philosophy of non-violence that I have learnt from Gandhi, Badshah Khan and Mother Teresa," the 16-year-old said at the UN.Gandhi used non-violence for protests while Malala did too by not using any physical contact.The evidence from the UN speech supports my idea becuase she says that she uses the philosophy of non-violence from Gandhi for protests for girls education. Malala says, The Taliban has falied to stop me. Because of the failed assassination it has further more increased Malalas popularity in the world. The Taliban viewed Malala as their enemy. Their laws were that girls didn't need educationwhile Malala protested that education was the most important thing. As Malala protested the Taliban began to lose power throughout Pakistan with other Malala supporters fighting for education rights.This caused the Taliban to try to assassin Malala Taliban Pakistan Army The Pakistan Army had always wanted to beat the Taliban.But because of Malala's education protest, the Pakistan army started to move attacking the Taliban's base.They think of Malala as their ally and aids her to accomplish her task. USA The USA thought that Malala was right and agreed to back her up.When Malala was shot the USA government helped Malala get to the United Kingdom so that she could get hospitality and she could go to a safe school in Birmingham. The protests and speeches has helped her achieve her goal by telling the world about the secret of the Taliban and about the life in Pakistan. By doing so the world has come to notice the fact that living in Pakistan was different. Different countries from all around the world has heard her speeches and has enabled to help her achieve the task.This enables her to get more power to try to beat the Taliban to get more education for everyone.
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