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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 double click to changethis text! Drag a cornerto scale proportionally. The French Revolution + The South American Revolution Similarities and Differences French Revolution South American Revolution Primary Sources:French revolution: American Revolution: Document 6Secondary sources: Revolted in 1789 Reason: The revolution happened because of the extremely high taxes, the wealthy nobels, and the enlightenment What happened: The angry middle to low class citizens of France wanted equality and low taxes, but the nobles and king ignored their demandsfor their rights. Since the angry citizens of Franceoutnumbered the wealthy nobles, things didn't go to wellwhen the people decided to revolt. After they rebelled,they destroyed every thing in sight, and killed almost allof the nobles around them, including the king. What happened: The angry middle to low class citizens of France wanted equality and low taxes, but the nobles and king ignored their demandsfor their rights. Since the angry citizens of Franceoutnumbered the wealthy nobles, things didn't go to wellwhen the people decided to revolt. After they rebelled,they destroyed every thing in sight, and killed almost allof the nobles around them, including the king. Revolted from early 1800's to 1900'sReason: These revolutions happened though struggles to break away from spain.These revolutions were also caused byslavery, and cultural differences What happened: Most of the Revolutions in South America basically started with the Napoleon changing Latin Americaby invading Spain. By doing this, some of the countriesdecided to try and break away from the Spanish colonies,forming their own countries. These people did not suckceed at first, but eventually as they kept trying they were able to break away! What happened: Most of the Revolutions in South America basically started with the Napoleon changing Latin Americaby invading Spain. By doing this, some of the countriesdecided to try and break away from the Spanish colonies,forming their own countries. These people did not suckceed at first, but eventually as they kept trying they were able to break away!
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