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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Market Information Management (MIM) a glance A MARKET is defined as a geographical area of land, recognized by EDC as possessing sufficiently distinct risk characteristics.The list is aligned with the list of active markets from ISO and the Government of Canada. Markets are classified into 3 types: Countries, Exceptional MarketsOther Markets MARKET:Geographical area of land, recognized by EDC as possessing sufficiently distinct risk characteristics. Aligned with the list of active markets from ISO and the Government of Canada. 3 types: Countries/Exceptional Markets/Other Markets MIM Community (Governance Framework) MIM + Business led Information Domain+ Cross-functional, 70+ individuals, Virtual Team+ Governance roles and responsabilities: Domain Owner/Lead, Data Owners, Data Stewards, Line of Business Reps, Business System Owners China or PRC? Legal Sanctions? Emerging Market? Short Term Risk Rate? CSR flags? CMD + Enterprise asset and authoritative database of MIM+ 128 defined and governed data elements+ Enables system integrations via Web Services, Excel, SharePoint + Over 20 EDC systems are integrated or aligned with CMD and rely on its data+ Enables Country Mainframe retirement Centralized Market Database (CMD) Market data is maintained in a dedicated information domain assetby Data Owners and Stewards... ...and distributed to any system/tool/individual at EDC... provide our customershigh quality, trustworthy,market information.
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