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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Lyle Alzado's Drug abuse . How you take the case of Lyle Alzado, one of the best and fiercest linemen ever to play football. He died 21 years ago, at the age of 43, and his skill as a player overshadows the fact that he suspected steroids caused the brain cancer that killed him. Objection to steroids and related drugs today rests more on what a competitive edge it gives a player than the danger it could destroy him in the process. The destruction may take years to develop, but sooner or later it gets a lot of users. Alzado became one of the first major sports persons to admit using anabolic steroids. Later, he was to claim that steroid abuse had led to a brain tumor. He was reported having used natural growth taken from human corpses. As he recounted to Sports Illustrated less than a year before his death: He started taking anabolic steroids in 1969 and never stopped. It is addicting. Ninety percent of the athletes are on the stuff. "We are not born to be 300 pounds or jump 30 feet" The injection that steroids and related stimulants gave the athlete user an edge over other competitors is actually secondary to the fact that it could result in an Alzado-style death. You wait for sports leagues to base their objections to steroids not on the competitive edge that it may give an athlete over others, but that it could shorten his painful life. steroids once given to kids in a European country led eventually to cancer of the throat in many of them. That medical approach has been modified. Steroids deserve the same fate. Steroids are addicting just like most if not all the drugs out there.
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