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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Lord of the Flies Religious Imagery In the book the "Lord of the Flies" by William Goldingreligious imagery is used to compare the island andthe events taking place on the island to the Gardenof Eden, to illustrate the evil and temptation startingto take place on the island and allude to the effectsthese actions will have in the future. In the Garden of Eden, Adam and Eve were tempted by a snake to eat the forbidden fruit, which is when sin began. In this case the snake shows religious imagery because, like in the Garden of Eden, it symbolizes the evil that is starting to take place within the group and the death and destruction this evil will bring throughout the book. As well as the temptation of power that they all face. "Him that talked about the snakes, he was down there -" (Golding 46). "Piggy glanced nervously into hell and cradled the you been and set the whole island on fire..." (Golding 44-45) This quote shows more about the effects of the sin and evil that occurred in the Garden of Eden. This quote is still talking about the little boy who talked about the snakes that was stuck in the fire.The hell that Piggy is talking about is the fire. The fire started as a small fire but soon became out of control. This shows how the evil that is starting to take place on the island can get out of control like the fire did and by comparing it to hell, Golding illustrates the destruction and death that could eventually take place on the island. Character In the novel, Lord of the Flies, Golding creates unique characterseach with different personalities in order to make the connection between the story and real society. "He was shorter than the fair boy and very fat. He came forward, searching out safe lodgments for his feet, and then looked up through thick spectacles (Golding 7). Piggy is very insecure about himself because of the way people view him. People immediately judge him by his physical appearance rather then his personality. Piggy is treated differently from the rest of the boys and he feels very much alone. "Piggy grinned reluctantly, pleased despite himself at even this much recognition" (Golding 11). This quote shows the personality of Piggy because of the way he is happy with any kind of recognition. He is so often pushed to the side or left out, that he can't help, but appreciate when people include him. Piggy has a very insecure, shy personality that is very delicate, but I feel like he has the strength to become a leader. He just has to gain the confidence. "Daring, indignant, Piggy took the conch" (Golding 47). This quote shows a change in Piggy because he has gained enough confidence to speak. Although the rest of the group still shut him down, this still shows a change in Piggy. He wants to become a leader and he is rapidly more confidence, so that he can achieve this. Symbols In the book, Lord of the Flies, Golding uses the conch to symbolize leadership, power, as well oppression of the minority in order to establish the struggle for power and the corruption that power brings. "But there was a stillness about Ralph that marked him out: there was his size, his attractive appearance, and most obscurely, yet most powerfully, there was the conch" (Golding 22). This quote illustrates the power that the conch gives to the holder. This is the object that summoned them all together, and because of that it begins to represent leadership. I believe that it will go onto represent not only leadership, but also power. The one who holds the conch holds the power to speak; to be the leader of the little group of misfits stranded on the island. "I got the conch...I got the conch, ain't I Ralph?...the conch. I got a right to speak" (Golding 45). This quote shows us the desperation Piggy has to be heard. Ralph decided that whoever holds the conch has a right to be heard by the group. In the situation, though, he is ignoring his own rule, as well as Piggy himself. To Piggy, the conch represents the power everyone else has, and how he and his voice are not only ignored, but ridiculed as well. In this way, the conch comes to represent the power of the majority and the oppression of the minority. Point of View In the book, Lord of the Flies, Golding tells the story in third person omniscient in order to give the reader a full understanding of all the events occurring on the island. "He snatched his knife out of the sheath and slammed it into the tree trunk. Next time, there would be no mercy" (Golding 31). The third person point of view allows the author to show an unbiased outlook on the novel, sharing the details of the actions occurring, and giving insight to character's personalities, so that the reader may fully understand the story and how it develops. "At last, the words of the words of the chant floated up to them, across the bowl of blackened wood ashes 'kill the pig, cut her throat, spill her blood" (Golding 68-69). In this quote, using the third person omniscient point of view, allows Golding to show the actions of the children and it shows their ignorance about the situation. They are happy that they got the pig, but they don't know that because they didn't do what they were asked, they missed their opportunity for rescue. It also show's the children's age, by sharing the chant, it shows the lack of respect for the actions that just took place. By using the third person omniscient point of view, Golding was able to show this unbiased insight with the reader to the character's personalities and with that foreshadows actions that could take place in the future.
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