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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 28 Percent NC High Schoolers Overweight or Obese Billion Dollars Lost On Medical Bills and Productivity Fewer Years NC Life Expectancy Than the national average 1.4 54 BLURB x How Does Literacy Affect Recidivism? 7.5 4.3 36 7.4 33 10-20% 25% 65% Upon arrival at correctional institutions, approximately 65% of offenders test at a level lower than Grade 8, and 82% lower than Grade 10 (LBS, 2014, 3) R Increasing basic literacy support can keep family members connected, increase offenders chance of employment and ease the process of reintegration into society 1981 1991 2001 Pounds 2011 13.6 3.4 6.8 10.2 Years Increase in Average Adolescent Bodyweight Since 1971 "While the high school graduation rate in Ontario has increased from 68% to 75%, still 25% of young people are dropping out before completing their high school education. In Addition, 16% on Ontario students who wrote the grade 10 literacytest in the 2009-10 school year failed - LBS PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT SUPPORT FOR LITERACY AND BASIC SKILLS EDUCATORS IN ONTARIO, 2013 In the United States, studies have shown offenders who keep connected with family during incarceration lowers their chance of recidivism by 10-20% PUT SOMETHING HERE Literacy % decreased risk of High Blood Pressure % decrease inCholesterol % decrease inBodyweight % decreased risk of Depression % decrease inBlood Sugar Sources:North Carolina Prevention Report Card 2012Reaching the Healthy People Goals for Reducing Childhood Obesity Closing the Energy GapTipping the Scales
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