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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 February / March "Prep for Championship" Life in Seneca, the Road to Success LOGO HERE Repeat Success Cycle By: Marko Wu ITEM NO. 003 ITEM NO. 005 description here lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipsicsing elit description here description here description here description here 2014-2016 Plan 13% 44% 32% 19% 7% January "Tune up from previous Seasons" April / End of Semester "Race to the Finish Line November "Check Pressure" 130 HP September "Research for Power" 1964's Porsche 911 performances against 2 December "The Brakes" Cools down twice as fast as regular disc brakes Carbon Fiber 15L/100 kms 6,7L/100 kms Events that can support your academicsuccess is to join clubs or events that happen throughout the year in Seneca. In this case, I would join a sport club. Some clubsmay require you to maintain a specific average if youwant to stay in the club. This meaning iwould have to maintain a average of 70% in allmy subjects within the semester. In this month, it is also a new start of a semestermeaning i can reflect on previous monthsseeing where and what i have to improve on. If there is something you don't understandyou should seek for help right away instead of leavingfor the end. Communicate with your professors to recieve a higher GPA can help your studies a loteasier. FLAT SIX ENGINE The typical Porsche engine :48 years of technological improvement. 1 full electric concept car in development October "Testing Time" 4 Hybrid concept cars in development Goals i have after graduating is to complete the lasttwo CIP exams for my CIP license. After obtainingthe my full CIP license for insurance i will study formy REBO broker's license. Hopefully further down the years i will be able to earn enough moneyand open my own insurance business. Career Goals One key point is to never cram all your subjects together or,study everything all at once in the end. Plan each day out and list what you should dofor each day and not waste any time. Main purpose attending Seneca is to complete Business Insurance in the BIN program. My Motivation is to get my REBO broker license for insurance so i can start my career at early age. Some ways to stay involved in Seneca is to meet more people in school and not to be shy when asking others for help. Stay involved with school activities by researching whats offered outside of Seneca. Resistant to temperature over 1700°C Aluminium Nadia Bedok ISC100 ZHDecember 2014 Titanium 4E1 2012 Clement PORTALES At this point, midterms should have finished. With the results that i received, i can use that as a guideline to where i did weaklyin, and what i should work on for the final exams. This is also a reminder that final exams are just around the cornerand there isn't much time to pull your mark up. Disc Brakes : 60 000 kms This is where final exams are right around the corner. Time Management and how to distribute your load isimportant at this point. Mid-point of second semester meaning final exams are coming again. I plan on attending seminarsor work shop that are available that can help mein my future exams because they are weight (50%) Finding time to balance work and school at the same time is important for me. Managing your own time is key to success for the future.Sacrificing your time on doing regular activities and putting more effort and time in school work, can help raise your marks. Resources i could use is asking my professors about activitiesthat are active around the Campus. Professors are very helpful when coming across your education. Theywould know how to help you on the areas you did not do well onand find a better solution to help yousucceed to passing the class.They also give you tips on what to study for Mid-Terms. Final exams are going to be rough becausethis will be the last exams for the years. After all marks are out, this can be a great opportunityto look back to where and what you should dofor next semester to improve my marks. This can also be a deciding point to see if you can manage a five course load for the next semester and the next year. Reducing your course load can result into achieving higher marks, but can also require you to take another semester after final year. Some factors that could affect me in the upcoming year, are the course load that i have tomanage in one semester. This will leave a biggerload of stress on my shoulders.
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