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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 your artboard start from scratch[clears the canvas] Now both average mass and high mass protostars are in the main sequence, where the sun is today. This is where hydrogen and helium are being fused. Nebula- a cloud in outer space made up of dust, hydrogen, helium, and plasma. The nebula then turns into a small to average size mass protostar, like the Sun. Or, it turns into a high mass protostar, where the diameter is 25 times larger than the Sun's. The protostar is now either a red giant or a supergiant (the beginning of the end) It's running out of fuel. The supergiants expand and use up lots of fuel very rapidly. A red giant then turns into a planetary nebula. The fusion has stopped, and the outer shell of the planetary nebula has been blown into space.It's the end of the star. A supergiant then turns into a supernova explosion. The star was expanding, and now it collapses inwards. It creates one of the biggest explosions ever. It is the end of the star. The Life Cycle of a Star! The planetary nebula then becomes a white dwarf. It is essentially the core of the planetary nebula. Very hot, and very dense. Super massive stars then become neutron stars, which are just super dense, and super hot. The super, super, SUPER massive stars become really fascinating objects: black holes. They are so dense that not even light can pass through!! It is, however, smaller than the Earth. Of course, unlike the life cycle of humans, this all takes billions and billions of years!! Isha Smith
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