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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Nebula Main Sequence Star Protostar Red Giant Planetary Nebula. Black Dwarf Stars are "born" in a region of high density as a Nebula which eventually condenses into a huge mass of gas and dust whichcontracts under its own gravity A region of condensing matter will begin to heat up and start to glow forming Protostars. If a protostar contains enough matter the central temperature reaches 15 million degrees centigrade. After helium is formed, the star begins to release energy stopping it from contracting even more and causes it to shine. It is now a main sequence star A star of one solar mass will remain in main sequence for about ten billion years, then the helium core starts to contract further and reactions occur around the shell. Finally the core is hot enough for the helium to fuse and form carbon.The outer layers begin to expand, cool, and shine less brightly. The expanding star is now called a red giant. The helium core eventually runs out, and the outer layers drift away from the core as a gaseous shell. This gas that surrounds the core is called a Planetary Nebula The remaining core is now in its final stages. The core becomes aWhite Dwarf, which causes the star to cool and dim. When it stops shining the now dead star is called a Black Dwarf White Dwarf Massive StarsLife Cycle Nebula Protostar Protostar. Main Sequence Star Red Giant Red Supergiant Supernova. Neutron Star or Black Hole Massive Stars have a mass threetimes larger than the sun. Someeven, are fifty times larger than the sun Massive stars evolve in a similar way to those of small stars untilit reaches its main sequence. Thestars shine steadily until thehydrogen has fused to formhelium. It takes billions ofyears in a small star, but only millions in a massive star The massive star then becomes a Red Supergiant and starts of a helium core surrounded by a shell of cooling, expanding gas After millions of years and a series of nuclear reactions thathad occurred that formed different elements in shells around the ironcore, the core collapses in seconds. This causes an explosion known as a supernova, inwhich a shock wave blows offthe outer layers of the star. The actual Supernova shines brighter than the entire galaxyfor a short period of time Sometimes the core survives the explosion. If the surviving core is between 1.5 - 3 solar masses it contracts to become a tiny very dense Neutron Star. If thecore is much greater than 3 solarmasses, the core contracts to become a Black Hole Nebula. Small Stars Life Cycle Small StarsLife Cycle
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