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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Global Culture The Internet. Printing Press Twitch Transportation Twitch is a livestreaming app that has thousands of users.If somebody in Africa, or some other developing country, posteda video on Twitch about making something having to do with their culture,or farming, somebody over here, in theGreat White North, saw it, they couldspread the word, and we would be onestep closer to creating a global culture. Twitch is a live-streaming app that has thousands of users.If somebody in Africa, or some other developing country, posteda video on Twitch about making something having to do with their culture,or farming, somebody over here, in theGreat White North, saw it, they couldspread the word, and we would be onestep closer to creating a global culture. The Internet connects us to each other, so we can communicate, understand, and, essentially, create a global culture withthe help of people around the world. If everybody reads the same thing across the globe, at least once a day, everybody will knowwhat`s going on around the world,and, possibly, somebody over in[third world country] will think:Y`know, I think that [advanced country]would be a lot better if theyhad [cultural object from saidperson`s culture]. And, for all I know,somebody in and advanced country could be thinkingthe same thing. Both willtry their best to implement[said object(s)] into the other`s culture, thus bringing us one step closer to creatinga global culture! Transportation is veryimportant when trying to create a global culturebecause, whether youlike it or not, wheneveryou travel somewhereoutside of your communityyou bring aspects of yourculture to the places you visit.This is key in creating a global culture.
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