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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Habitat Discovering the Unknown First notedby Expedition:May 19, 1804,at St. Charles, Missouri The Journal Log on the White Tailed Deer and Other Deer Discovered on the Expedition Description Endangered Pro/ Cons Horns These are some pros and cons of hunting white tailed deer Farmland, bushy areas, woods, and suburbs and gardens. Size varies greatly; a small to medium-size deer.Tan or reddish brown above in summer; grayish brown inwinter. Belly, throat, nose band, eye ring, and inside of earsare white. Size varies greatly; a small to medium-size deer.Tan or reddish brown above in summer; grayish brownin winter. Belly, throat, nose band, eye ring, and inside of ears are white. There are twenty-three subspecies of deer are endangered and are disappearing from the world. The Key Deer Na tio na lGe og ra phi c,e d. Wh ite -T ail ed De er. N ati on al Ge og ra phi c.N ati on al Ge og ra phi cS oci ety ,1 99 6. We b. 20 Fe b. 20 14 .< htt p: // w w w. na tio na lge og ra phi c.c om /l ew isa nd cla rk /r ec or d_ sp eci es _1 30 _1 _6. ht ml >. Range Map Range:Southern half of southern tier of Canadian provinces; mostof U.S. except for southwest Deer antler growth usually begins during themonth of March or April, by August or early September, antlers are fully-grown. Deer antlers are among the fastest growing tissues known to man.A buck will use its antlers as a defensive weapon, and often does during maitngseason. NOTE: Pros 1) Hunters contribute to theeconomy if in the millions of dollars if not more. 2) Food banks count on donations from hunters. On average, 50 lbs. of high protein, lean meat isharvested from one whitetail deer. Cons *Found only in Flordia. *Were almost completely eradicated by themid-1900s. *Their populations have increased to upward of 800individuals in recent years. *More than 50 deer are killed by drivers every year,accounting for almost 70 percent of annual deaths. 1) Feast on plants in yards.2) Jumped in frontof people's cars and has caused thousandsof dollars in damage. N at io n al G e o gr a p hi c, e d. W hi te - T ai le d D e er . N at io n al G e o gr a p hi c. N at io n al G e o gr a p hi c S o ci et y, 1 9 9 6. W e b. 2 0 F e b. 2 0 1 4. < ht tp :/ / w w w .n at io n al g e o gr a p hi c. c o m /l e w is a n d cl a rk / re c or d _ s p e ci e s _ 1 3 0 _ 1 _ 6. ht m l> . The Colombian white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus leucurus) was among the four subspecies ofwhite-tailed deer described inthe journals. It was noted by Lewis near the mouth of theWilliamette River onMarch 28, 1806.
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