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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How regular yoga practice benefits children and teens Education * Copyright * Students Under Construction: Learning about Copyright Builds awareness of self, othersand the wider world. Encouragesempathy, tolerance and understanding. Calms the mind, improvingconcentration, attention-span,learning ability and memoryfunction. Regular asana practiceimproves posture, endurance,strength and flexibility. Improves balance, bodyawareness and alignment Pranayama (breathwork) improvescirculation, digestion and mentalfunction. Age-appropriate exerciseshelp calm the body and mind. Balances the endocrinesystem for hormonalhealth. Children grow with the correctbalance of joint stability and mobility. Teens and kids develophealthy sleep patterns withthe practice of relaxing the body and lengthening the breath. Reduced risk of injury insports and games. Teensand kids benefit from an improved overall cardio-vascular fitness, joint stability, body awarenessand the focus yoga brings. Rule 1: Owners have Rights. The owner is the person that has created the work. So if you are using someone else's information we must give them credit for their creations. The owner is the person that has created the work. So if youare using someone else's informationwe must give them credit for their creations. Owners Have Rights: Permission : We need to look for permissionfrom the owner that allows us to use their information. Copyright: this is a form of protection for the owners which allows themto make copies, perform or display their work. This protects them from other people using their work in these ways. Think about writing a poem or making a really picture. It takes a really long time and a lot of work and by the end you are really proud of it.Copyright law gives you a set of rights that prevents other people from copyingyour work and doing other things with your work that you may not like. Anyone who exploits any of the exclusive rights of copyright without the copyright owner's permission. Depending on the type of License the owner is using. For educational use we need to think about 'Fair Use' ... Copyright Infringment - this allows limited copying of copyrighted works for educational and research purposes. Most of what students use is protected under this condition but it is still important to understand as a student when citingis used. This is permission granted by a copyright owner (also know as the "licensor") to the person requesting the right to use the creators work ( also known as a "licensee". For example, if you wanted to create a movie based on a book, you would need a license from the owner of copyright in the book. Did you think of it ? ON YES Don't have to cite it ! Is it common knowledge ? (ask at least 2 other people if they know) YES NO Cite it ! Don't have to cite ! If you are unsure, ask your teacher of how to list a source/creator. Also whether or not you have to cite it ! What is a license ? Why is this important ? Fair Use How this fits all together ? Owners have protection over the work that they create --> this protection is in the form of Licenses --> if you use someone else's work without permission and without citing the source you could be committing copyrightinfringement --> but if it is used in an educational way this is protected under Fair Use. If you are unsure if you are citing properly or if you need to cite or not ask your teacher ! What is a citation ? A citation includes things such as the author's name, date,and whereyou got it from to give the creator,author or owner the credit of using their work. Under Construction: Learning about Copyright Ask yourself
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