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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Digital Learning Transformation Team Tech Squad Tech SquadSupervisor Provide break/fix support for level 1 issues (students and teachers) & classroom technical support District Instructional Technology Specialist Building Digital Learning Specialists (DLS) Principal Learning Commons Manager Support the transition of the media center to a learning commonsManages & supports learning commonsManages resources, purchases materials & supplies, collectiondevelopment, supports staff & students with Power UpSupport Power Up Principal Content Area Digital Support (DigiS) Support department transition to digital learningWork closely with DLS to develop contemporaryteaching & learning practices supporting use ofcolleagues' use of digital technologies.Share emerging technologies, best instructional practices & resources with departmentStay current on emerging technology Tech Squad Supervisor Principal Forward Edge & IT Director Support district transition to digital learningDistrict level point person for digital learning transitionDistrict Digital Learning Team Lead (DLS, LCC, DigiS, TechSquad Supervisor, Tech Squad)Power Up Co-LeadFHSD Learning SeriesOversee district endorsed instructional software (choice & Implementation) Support building transition to digital learningBuilding level point person for digital learning transitionSupport professional growth of staff through developmentof strategic professional growth opportunitiesDigiSFHSD Learning SeriesSupport Power Up Manages and supports the Tech Squad, DigiS and DLSEscalates level 2+ issuesOversee Tech Squad InternshipSupport Power Up A team built to help transform learning using technology Team Role Reporting Structure Director Curriculum/Instruction
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