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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 LEAPFROG FROM DISASTER SYMPOSIUMONLINE AUDIENCE REACH 26% based on Google Analytics platform 66% 7% Americas AsiaNorth AmericaSouth AmericaEuropeOceania Europe Reached 5 Continentsin less than 2 months 1% DIVERSITY OF DELEGATES DIVERSITY OF SPEAKERS DIVERSITY OF INDUSTRYREPRESENTING SPEAKERSAND DELEGATES 50% Men 50% WomenfromBaby Boomers,Gen X, Y, Z 50% Men 50% Women ArchitectsCreativesDesignersDevelopersEngineersFuturologistFacultyLighting DesignerMedia ConglomerateNLP PractitionerNGOPlannersStudents based on Survey Monkey platform SOME OF THE DELEGATES' FEEDBACK Asia It is very interesting where the topic are relevant of the times but a out of the box approached. Satisfied with the outcome and program. The multitude of topics covered spans to multiple fields of study which makes it interesting If I have to rate the symposium it would be a 9 out of 10, and would recommend it, not just with my colleagues but also to the president of the company. The symposium was really informative. It is an eye-opener for different perspective in resiliency and environmental conservation... Am very satisfied and its a great learning experience for me; and looking forward for another gathering like this...To rate this event from 1 to 10; Mine is 10 As a student, I enjoyed the direct interaction the symposium provided with the keynote speakers and guest lecturers...I got to meet fellow students, local and foreign architects, as well as those from other industries such as engineering, lighting and sustainable design. Oceania
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