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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 When business people are asked, "What do effective leaders do". They will answer:leaders set the strategy, leaders motivate people,leaders create a mission and build the culture. Then when they areasked, " What should leaders do" Often, their answer is: a leader'sjob is to GET RESULTS.Research by the consulting firm HayMcBer found six distinct leadershipstyles based on Emotional Intelligence (the ability to manage ourselvesand our relationships effectively). All six leadership styles have a significant effect on an organisation's working environmentclimate.When HayMcBer looked at the impact of organisational climate onfinancial results such as sales, revenue growth, efficiency and profitability they found a direct correlation between the two. Whileorganisational climate is not the only driver of organisational performance,their analysis strongly suggests that it accounts for nearly A THIRD of results! When business people are asked, "What do effective leaders do?". They will answer:leaders set the strategy, leaders motivate people,leaders create a mission and build the culture. Then when they areasked, " What should leaders do?" Often, their answer is: a leader'sjob is to GET RESULTS.Research by the consulting firm Hay/McBer found six distinct leadershipstyles based on Emotional Intelligence (the ability to manage ourselvesand our relationships effectively). All six leadership styles have a significant effect on an organisation's working environment/climate.When Hay/McBer looked at the impact of organisational climate onfinancial results such as sales, revenue growth, efficiency and profitability- they found a direct correlation between the two. Whileorganisational climate is not the only driver of organisational performance,their analysis strongly suggests that it accounts for nearly A THIRD of results! my site Leadership That Gets Results 6 Distinct Leadership Styles - Forges consensus through participation- Style in phrase "What do you think?"- Collaboration,team leadership,communication- Used to build buy-in consensus or to get input from valuable employees- Give a positive impact Democratic Style Affiliative Style Authoritative Style Coercive Style Coaching Style Pacesetting Style - Develops people for the future- Style in phrase "Try this"- Developing people, empathy, self-awareness- Used to help employees improve performance or develop long-term strengths- Give a positive impact - Creates harmony & builds emotional bonds- Style in phrase "People come first"- Empathy, building relationship , communication- Used to heal rifts in a team or to motivate people during stressful circumstances- Give a positive impact - Demands immediate compliance- Style in phrase "Do what I tell you"- Drive to achieve,initiative,self-control- Used in a crisis situation,to kick start a turnaround or with problem employee- Give a negative impact - Sets high standards for performance- Style in phrase "Do as I do,now"- Conscientiousness, drive to achieve, initiative- Used to get quick results from a highly motivated & competent team- Give a negative impact - Mobilises people towards a vision- Style in phrase "Come with me"- Self-confidence,empathy,change catalyst- Used when changes requires a new vision or when clear direction is needed- Most strongly positive impact
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