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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Laura Davis Laura's influence is immeasurable. So here are some made up measurements. 55% Lifetime Achievement 26% 100% Agree to know Laura is to love her. Would jump off a bridge if Laura did. Most Influential Person Ever Laura was just a twinkle in her mother's eye, she has had overpowering influence on those around her. Honing her skills on her four younger siblings, Laura has perfected her craft influencingand inspiring countless lives. Her ability to make any idea, no matter how absurd, seem like a good idea has earned her the highest honors as the "Most Influential Person Ever". $$$$$$$$ 92% 64% of Laura's ideas have be classified as unachievable or even crazy if presented by someone other than Laura. 3/4 of guests at a party hosted by Laura will accept a themed beverage even if they aren't thirsty 92% of dogs would sit if Laura told them to. The other 8% are bitches. Laura has used her powers for good- influencing others to donate thousands upon thousands of dollars and volunteer countless hours for charitable organizations. Laura's influence has reached 6 of the 7 continents. It is projected by 2015 her influence will have reached the entire world. Scientist claim that if Laura's influence could be bottled, it would be the top selling drug of all time and would save the world. Since 1) Darwin's Origin of Species2) The Holy Bible3) Laura Davis's Facebook page Time Magazine recently ranked the most influential books in history. The top three were: Webster defines influential as: having the power to cause change. However, if Laura told Webster to change his defination, he totally would. Webster defines influential as: having the power to cause change. However, if Laura told Webster to change his defination, he totally would. 80%
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