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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Interview with an English Language Learner Learner profile: Name: LaviAge: 26Nationality: RomanianLocation: AustriaFirst Language: RomanianSecond Language(s): Spanish, German, English Name: LaviAge: 27Location: AustriaFirst Language: RomanianSecond Language(s): English, Spanish, GermanUniversity Major:English Literature Having Romanian as my first language has allowed me to understand many other Latin-based languages and the grammatical structures ofthose languages such as case and article agreement. I loved learninggrammar in Romanian becauseit has helped me to apply those rulesto my second languages. LearnerProfile: At age 3, Ibegan to learnto count, basic colors andcommon animalsin English at the Kindergarten (childcarecenter) that I attended. In primary school, I had English class twice a week for 50 minutes where we learned grammar and vocabulary. In secondary school, I hadEnglish classes six times a week for 50 minutesper period. Once we were in secondary school, the classes became more segmented into the specific skills such as writing, reading, etc. In Romania,it is manditoryfor everystudent to taketwo foreignlanguages. The first starts in third grade andthe second starts in seventhgrade. I was motivated to learn English in school because the content was some-thing I could connectto and the material was applicable to mylife. I could connect tothe media in English. When I moved to Vienna for university, I began to read almost exclusivily in Englishand I saw that my vocabulary grew greatlybecause of this along with my interactionwith more native speakers. Classes taken in English:EconomicsInternational LawEnglish Literature Speaking different languages has brought me so manymore opportunities, especially socially. double click to change this header text! Compiled by Sarah Mueller Conclusions: From this assignment, I was most surprised by how motivating a factor enjoyment was in Lavi's learning of a language, especially in relation to media. She learned to speak Spanish independentlythrough just using Spanish television shows and was motivated to practice and learn English because of the media related to it. Lightbown & Spada state that positive feelings are associated with a willingness to keep learning (2013), which was true in Lavi's case. In her school years and beyond, she was motivatedby both instrumental and integrative motivation. The former in her desire to do well in school and also under-stand English media, and the latter in her desire to makeand keep relationships with English-speaking individuals. In our interview, Lavi repeatedly mentioned howinstrumental her first language, Romanian was in helpingher understand her second languages. Her inter-language allowed her to make connections within thelanguages to help her solidify her understanding. Shewas able to apply the grammar structures and under-standings in her first language to help her in her second languages. In conclusion, Lavi's language abilities continue to amaze and surprise me, and her understanding of howlanguages work can be traced back to her solidunderstanding of her native language. Reference:Lightbown, P.M. & Spada, N. (2013). How Languages are Learned. 4th. Ed. Oxford University Press. Oxford, UK.
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