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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Zoning | Basics What is zoning? Zoning is the division of a municipality into districts, with different standards for uses, intensity of use, and structures in each. In 1926, the Supreme Court ruled that properly drawn zoning ordinances were a valid exercise of the states' governing power. After the supreme court decision, Wisconsin enacted a constitutional amendment that passedthe new power down to incorporated municipalities, giving cities like Waukeshathe power to enact municipal zoning ordinances. How is zoning related to land use planning? What gives municipalities the power to use zoning? While land use planning serves as a general guidefor growth and development in a community, zoningis a regulatory tool that gives land use planning "teeth" and allows a community to legally manage land use and development. What is the role of the Comprehensive Plan? A comprehensive plan is the official statement of local governmentpolicy regarding the physical development of a community. In Wisconsin, communities with zoning are required by state statute to implement a comprehensive plan containing nine elementsincluding functions such as housing, transportation, and land use. Why do municipalities use zoning? The primary purpose of zoning is segregate usesthat are incompatible and threaten the health andsafety of the community, such as ensuring a lead paint factory is not built next to a school. However, zoningis also used to preserve the character of a communityand to ensure that certain uses only occur in particularlocations deemed appropriate for that use
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