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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Metrics - Standards of measurement by which efficiency, performance, progress, or quality of a plan, process, or product can be assessed.Analytics - Involves studying past historical data to research potential trends, to analyze the effects of certain decisions or events, or to evaluate the performance of a given tool or (2014) Social media is an ever present in mostpeoples' daily lives. Football is no different, withLeeds United's Facebook and Twitter, possessing over 272,000 likes (Facebook, 2014) and 104,000(Twitter, 2014) followers respectively. Metrics, analytics and Leeds United Metrics In a world heavily influenced by social media and in the current digital age, measuring a businesses online success, is imperative.Lovett (2011) expresses the need for businesses to embrace metrics, or risk the loss of their competitive edge. Generate Traffic ConvertTraffic CreateRevenue Metrics the LUFC way El-Shinnawy (2013) highlights the importance of developing a framework,for measurement, outlining a variety of ways to do so, successfully. Site LUFC FutureDevelopment 864 million daily active users on average703 million mobile daily active users on average1.35 billion monthly active users1.12 billion mobile monthly active users 284 million monthly active users500 million Tweets are sent per day80% of Twitter active users are on mobile LUFC OVERVIEW 300 million active monthly users70 million uploads per dayMobile application all users have the app 273,000+ Facebook likes regular posts news related 105,000+ Twitter followers very regular posts news related 15,000+ Instagram followers regular posts recently pictures & promo LUFC should analyse data from it’s three main social media platforms which areFacebook, Twitter & Instagram, there are different options and types of information of whichcan be collected highlighted in the capture stage, the first stage of understanding is knowing which platforms to use, for example that with the biggest following should be most frequently used, the club should also seek to learn why people are posting in the manner they are. This stage will provide the club with a user’s sentiment, or how they are feeling toward the club and its players. A deeper connection can also be made through this stage, thus building a stronger loyalty to the club. . LUFC should analyse data from it’s three main social media platforms whichare Facebook, Twitter & Instagram, there are different options and types of information of which can be collected highlighted in the capture stage, the first stage of understanding is knowing which platforms to use, for example that with the biggest following should be most frequently used, the club should also seek to learn why people are posting in the manner they are. This stage will provide the club with a user’s sentiment, or how they are feeling toward the club and its players. A deeper connection can also be made through this stage, thus building a stronger loyalty to the club. CUP Model Traffic data > Help the club understand where the highest traffic is generated, the bounce rate or time fans spend on the clubs website. And ultimately, which traffic has the most successful conversion rate.Network data > Allows LUFC to understand the demographics and location information of its fans, through connections and trends. Perfect for helping the club create aims and objectives.Social interaction data > The club can see who is engaging. The gaining of influential followers, such as; ex or current players, the impact will be much greater.Social content performance > Allows the club to highlight which posts are most successful, in terms of fan engagement, and which key words result in the highest conversion rate. ReachAcquisition Conversion Retention 1. General average cost per impressionaverage cost per visit, bounce rate, % of referrals cost per visit, visitor, conversion,average order value, order completion% of new vs old customers, frequency, recency of visits and pruchases lifetime consumer/fan?!? 4. Word of Mouth How many fans are we acquiring on social media, growth rate of inbound links% of fans engaging, % change in view & opinions, social mentions >>> referrals inbound links >>> referrals 3. Online Ads% change in impressions click through rate 5. Email open rate, subscriptions to newsletter,Click through rate, link follows. 2. SearchSEO (organic positioning), URL errors?!! search query >> click impressions >> click Market research has come a long way, since the days of simply collecting and analysing data, then preparing a report for decision makers.Nowadays, companies rely heavily on ‘real-time social media analytics’to help in the decisions made, on a day to day basis.As a result, it is vital that every marketer is capable of manipulating captured data, to generate specific answers, to relevant questions. Capitalise using various methods of promotion, such as giveaways and freebies to increase mentions, fan acquisition, fan engagement and influence opinions Facebook. (2014). News Room: Company information. [Internet]. Available from: <> [accessed 5th December 2014].Twitter. (2014). About: Twitter Usage Company Facts. [Internet], Available from: <> [Accessed 7th Decemeber 2014].Twitter. (2014). Instagram Home: Instafacts. [Internet], Available from: <> [Accessed 7th December 2014].Hausman (2014). Social Media Analytics: Capture, Understand, Present. [Online]. Available from: <> [Accessed 10th December 2014].WEIGUO, F. & GORDON, M. D. (2014). 'The Power of Social Media Analytics', Communications Of The ACM, 57, 6, pp. 74-81Lovett, J, N. (2011). Social Media Metrics Secrets : Do What You Never Thought Possible With Social Media Metrics, n.p, Indianapolis, Ind, Wiley, (2014). What are metrics? definition and meaning. [online]. Available from: <> [Accessed: 7 December 2014].Marketing Sherpa. (2014). content: MarketingSherpa, design: Scott McDaniel, code: Steve Beger, MECLABS. Available from: <>[Accessed: 8 December 2014].Nonlinear. (2013). nonlinear creations.[online]. Available at: <> [Accessed: 7 December 2014].Ecommerce Research Chart: The value of analytics and data (2014). content: MarketingSherpa, design: Scott McDaniel, code: Steve Beger, MECLABS. Available at: [Accessed: 8 December 2014].Multichannel marketing metrics- A KPI quick reference guide (2013). nonlinear creations. Available at: <> [Accessed: 7 December 2014]. Sources:
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