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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Life in the Lower Rio Grande Valley Keep Texas Housed Cameron County: Hidalgo County: 417,276 Population: Population: 815,996 Percent of the population under the age of 18: double click to change this title text! 34% double click to change this title text! Percent of the populationunder the age of 18: double click to change this title text! 32% Percent of the populationregisterred as Hispanicor Latino: 88.50% 91% Percent of the populationregistered as Hispanicor Latino: Percent of the populationthat possesses a high school diploma or the equivalent: 61.20% Percent of the populationthat possesses a highschool diploma orthe equivalent: 63% Percent of the populationthat possesses a bachelor'sdegree: 14.90% Percent of the populationthat possesses a bachelor's degree: 15.60% Median household income: $32,558 Median householdincome: $33,218 Percent of the populationliving below the povertyline: 35% Percent of the populationliving below the poverty line: 34.90% Texas: Population: Percent of the populationunder the age of 18: Percent of the populationregistered as Hispanic or Latino: Percent of the populationthat possesses a highschool diploma orthe equivalent: Percent of the populationthat possesses a bachelor's degree: Percent of the populationliving below the povertyline: Median householdincome: 26,448,193 26.60% 38.40% 80.80% 26.30% $51,563 17.40% For more information about the Lower Rio Grande Valley and Keep Texas Housed, please visit All information for this report comes from the United States census.
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