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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools Ten Essential Information Retrieval Tools by David Gogo by David Gogo Password Protected Databases 1. Web of Science - An excellent citation index- "Unmatched coverage of the sciences, social sciences, and arts & humanities. Journals, books, data and conference proceedings indexed cover-to-cover."*- "Over 90 million records covering 5,300 social science publications in 55 disciplines"* Tools - ResearcherID- EndNote®- Saves Searches & Alerts Features - Great search tools- Ability to create citation analysis reports- Relevant results 2. LexisNexis Academic - "LexisNexis Academic provides access to full-text news, business, and legal publications, using a variety of flexible search options. Access over 10,000 news, business, and legal sources." Tools Tools Tools Tools Tools Features Features Features Features Features Features Features Features Features - What's New- Video Tutorials- Research Guides- Download Content List- Academic Knowledge Center - Has a basic and an advanced search- Includes the detailed Company Dossier featurethat provides a wealth of info on companies- Also includes the Shepard's Citations® servicewhich can access court records all the way backto 1789 10. Alexa 9. Social Searcher 8. Google Scholar 7. Google Trends 6. 5. Library & Information Science Source 4. MEDLINE with Full Text 3. Mergent Intellect - Mergent Intellect provides access to global business information. - Advanced Search- Residential Search- Job Search- My Profile - Search business and residential listings- Access tons of detailed business data - This is one of the premier reference tools for medical research. This is an Ebsco Host database. - New Search- MeSH 2014- Publications- Images- Indexes - Access to all of features normally associated with Ebsco Host - Can search by MeSH subject headings or even an image database - This database is a must for any MLIS student. It contains the latest research in the library and information science world. - New Search- Publications- Thesaurus- Author Profiles- Cited References- Images- Indexes - Access to all of features normally associated with Ebsco Host - Can search for authors to get detailed profiles Publicly Accessible Databases - Not only can you find the latest trending searches on Google, but also users have the ability to analyze and compare trends. Tools Tools Tools Tools - Images - Flights- News - Apps- Videos- Maps- Shopping- Books - The site: operator allows users to not only search within websites, but also bypass the pay walls of online newspapers - Using punctuation and symbols, users can find prices($) or social tags(@) - Trending Searches- Trending on YouTube- Top Charts- Explore- Subscriptions- Compare Search Terms- Compare Locations- Compare Time Ranges - Compare up to 5 search terms at one time to see a chart of search popularity- Users can view where search terms were popular worldwide - Google may be the enemy to some librarians, but it's difficult to deny how important this search engine is. - This citation analysis tool may not look as polished as Web of Science, but this tool has its own great features. - My Library- My Citations- Alerts- Metrics- Settings - Using Google Scholar's Metrics tool, users can find the top publications for their search along with valuable data- Users can click the "Cited by (# of works)" to see which publications cited this result - This search engine allows users to obtain results from social media like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and many others. - Analytics - Use the Analytics tool to view these options: Sentiment, Users, Links, Types, Keywords, and Popular- Users can also see what time of the day and/or week their term was most popular - Alexa is a website anlaytics company that gathers data from the toolbar that users download. - Competitive Metrics- Actionable SEO Insights- Certified Site Metrics - Searches bring up tons of free data spanning from a site's American & Global rank, to what sites users were visiting before that website.- If users are willing to pay, even more data is available.
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