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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 LEGEND LEGEND THEME: Think what you want to believe but truth will change it all, especially with people you love. DAY: He protects June when she accidentally stumbled into a fight. She was supposed to be capturing him but, later on finds out he wasn't guilty of her brothers death. June ended up rescuing him from being executed because they fell in love while she was trailing him. DAY: He protects June when she accidentally stumbled into a fight. She was supposed to be capturing him but, later on finds out he wasn't guilty of her brothers death. June ended up rescuing him from being executed because they fell in love while she was trailing him. JUNE:June finds out that Day is guilty of murdering her brother. When she reviewed her brother's, Metias, picture (when he died) she found that he had two stab wounds as if the someone took out the knife and out it a different spot, above his heart. She finds that her closest friend Thomas did it and that Day was not guilty. Even though she wanted to believe Thomas didn't do it she saved Day because they were in love. SETTING: Western Coast of the United States. It is set sometime in the future withcool technology. PROTAGONIST ANTAGONIST Objective summary: June wanted to find the murderer of her brother but, she waslead in the wrong way and found out Day a, boy she loved, was framed and was to be executed, so she rescued him and took him to a save place so they both won't be killed. Objective summary: June wanted to find the murderer of her brother but, she waslead in the wrong way and found out Day a, boy she loved, was framed and was to be executed, so she rescued him and took him to a save place so they both won't be killed. PLOT: In the beginning there was June and her brother,and Daniel (or Day) and his mother and two brothers. Day'syounger brother Eden fell ill from the plague. So Day broke into a hospital and stole some vaccine for him. While doingthis to escape he had to stab someone and he was convicted of murderer. But he was framed. June, Metias's (the guy killed) sister was on a man hunt for Day now.She found him in an alley and she fell in love with him as the days went on when she was with him but she realized that after she turned him in. Now he was in a jail cell andwas supposed to be executed, but June got a rebel teamhelp her to rescue him from the Government building that held him. They escaped but not before Day's olderbrother John was killed because they looked almost identical.They fled to a town miles away and where on a train to a saveplace they would seek help at.
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