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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 Every year Americans are involedin starting or growing a young business. Manyof these entrepreneurs seek capital from equityinvestors - either Angel Investors or VentureCapitalists. Venture vs. @angel | @venture Venture over investments Angels about per deal total 4,000 businesses 30 billion 7.5m -Professional training and awareness within cultural studies.-Focus on one specific niche market-- college students.-Focused area of study.-Add value to universities by providing in-depth analysis of cross cultural practices.-Research completed to support studies.-Not many competitors present.-Information is easily transferable to an array of systems.-Technology is not a hindrance.-Economy will not impact program. 60,000 MARKET SIZE 1. helping stimulate growth 2. VC investment 2 50B+ 20B Strengths 30B Combined 1 The average angel investor has an annual income of $90,000, a net worth of $750,000and invests $37,000 per venture *resources - US Angels invest a total of about $20 billion a year in around 60,000 businesses. Venture Capitalists invest about $30 billion a year in about 4,000 businesses. SWOT Analysis 20 million Threats Opportunities Weaknesses -Lack of diversity in the marketing mix.-Little brand recognition.-Only revenue comes from different universities.-Instructors lack PhDs -Large array of material to teach.-Need for our consulting firm is evident throughout the country.-Students will be able to greater impact the community with their knowledge.-Employees hired will have much knowledge. -Vulnerable to imitation by large consulting firms.-Susceptible to unrelated, random effects on funding institution.-Technology has potential to make the services offered by the consulting firm insignificant.-All universities have different structures. Trying to create a course that fits each structure can prove to be difficult.-Lack of awareness of the firm.-Risk not grabbing attention of institutions.
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