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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 GOOD Loss of territories - productive land,industries and raw resources Nicotine stimulates the nervous system and when taken at night it ensures that the user is alert and awake rather than deep in restorative sleep. Thus inducing sleeping disorders. Nicotine binds to the adrenal medulla, which increases the flow of adrenaline. A hormone that increases blood pressure, heart rate and respiration, and these conditions exacerbate existing heart and blood pressure problems. Cardiovascular Cardiovascular BAD Nicotine: The True Effects Alzheimer's disease Alzheimer's disease Schizophrenia Schizophrenia Parkinson's disease Parkinson's disease Did you know... People with Alzheimer's lack the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine? While people with Parkinson's lack the neurotransmitter, dopamine? Nicotine mimics the function of acetylcholine while it increases the levels of dopamine. Alzheimer's disease is an illness where in patients experience severe memory loss Patients with Alzheimer's have a reduced number of nicotinic receptors Nicotinic receptors are those that contribute tonormal cognitive functioning, therefore intake ofnicotine will help stimulate brain function Schizophrenia is a condition wherein a person experiences delusions, hallucinations, and other negative behaviors that decrease their ability to perform daily tasks properly Nicotine induces psycho-stimulant effects which help schizophrenia patients with their cognitive deficits as well as mood disturbances Nicotine stimulates motor function and protects dopamine neurons from dying Parkinson's disease is a chronic and progressive movement disorder as well as the malfunction and death of neurons in the brain. Nervous System Nervous System Behavioral Effects Behavioral Effects Nicotine is five to ten times more potent than cocaine or morphine in producing behavioural and psychological effects associated with addiction.
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