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Created with Fabric.js 1.4.5 How a Bill Becomes a Law By: Kaleigh Jivens Bill must be introduced by a member of the House or Senate. Bill is read aloud and recieves a number then grouped with other bills. Speaker then sends bill to committee. If committee dislikes bill they can kill it. If committee likes it they can sent it subcommittees. After subcommittee completes its work the committe:-Votes to approve and report the bill with amendments-Make furhter amendments-Take no more action on it (Table the bill) Establishes the limits for debate and amendment of the bill. Scheduling of bills in the senate is determined by the parties leadership. Senate debates bill and can make amendments if needed.The Senate then votes to pass or fail the bill. Speaker decides when the house will debate a bill. General debate begins. After debate, bill goes to amending phase. House then votes on if the bill passes or fails. The Senate conducts a roll call vote to determine if the bill passes or fails.The House records their vote using an electronic voting system. Once the bill has gone through the House of Origin, it is sent to the other chamber where steps 1-7 are repeated. If House and Senate have differences on a bill they form a conference committee to decide outcome of bill.House and Senate then vote to approve the common bill. Four options the President has:-Sign the bill-Veto the bill-Refuse to take action-"Pocket Veto" 1st Reading Send to Stand Committee 3 MAIN options have with a bill Rules Committee 2nd Reading 3rd Reading Conference Committee Vote on the Bill Sent to Other Chamber Sent to President
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